I was accepted into an overseas medical student program in the USA!! I owe my success to Glen. Thank you very much!
I was accepted into an overseas medical student program in the USA!! I owe my success to Glen. Thank you very much!
Contact Us
Contact Details
Name: Sapporo Eikaiwa AGREATDREAM
CEO: Glen Charles Rowell
FB: Glen Charles Rowell
Line ID: glencharlesrowell
WeChat ID: glencharlesrowell
Skype: glencharlesrowell
Phone/Fax: 011-768-8116
International Number: +81(11)768-8116
Postal Address:
Room 506, Asahi Plaza Kairakuen,
North 6 West 6, 2-1, North Ward,
Sapporo, JAPAN 060-0806
Contact Form
For Trial Lessons, Lesson Reservations, Etc.
★ Please understand if the contact details above are not correct or you have a spam filter set on your phone/PC/tablet that we may not be able to contact you. Please double check the phone number and email address above before sending a message.
Problems and/or Ideas
We value your feedback and love to hear what people have to say about our lessons or company. We try our best to improve our services/products, and hopefully can offer you exactly what you want. Feel free to send us a message here anytime or call us on 011-768-8116.
Hope you have an amazing day. Keep learning and smiling every day for a fulfilled life.
URL: https://agreatdream.comRoom 506, Asahi Plaza Kairakuen, North 6 West 6, 2-1, North Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido, JAPAN 060-0806
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