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IELTS Speaking Exam Tips

IELTS Speaking Exam Tips - Sapporo - IELTS Bands

IELTS Writing Sample – Task 2 (English Post)

IELTS Life Skills A1 – Sample Paper #1 (PDF, 4561 kb)

Make sure you practice listening to English or Australian accents before the test. Even though this is an international test, it was made by the British Council and you might be tested by someone that has a British or Australian acent.

Read the title of tables.

Check where the questions are. The questions might be on the back of the paper.

If you miss a question during the listening test, move on.

Technical or academic words are not usually paraphrased.

IELTS Tips – Test Day

Using the bathroom: The listening, reading and writing test takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes but there is no break so make sure your go to the bathroom before the test begins.

You can’t take watches or phones into the test room.

All answers must be written in pencil.

IELTS Listening Exam Tips

30 Minutes

Write answers on the question paper while you listen. When the test ends you get 10 minutes to copy answers onto the answer paper. Use a pencil for this.

Check if the headphones are working if the test center has headphones.

Write the words you hear in the test so it is easier to answer questions. The question will have different wording.

Watch out for word limit. If you are asked to complete a sentence using two words and the answer is ‘study English’, then ‘learning how to speak English’ would be the wrong answer.

Server 1: Download a Listening Test Answer Sheet

Server 2: Download a Listening Test Answer Sheet

IELTS Listening Scores – 40 Questions in Total

39 to 40 Correct: Band 9 – CEFR C2
37 to 38 Correct: Band 8.5 – CEFR C2
35 to 36 Correct: Band 8 – CEFR C1
32 to 34 Correct: Band 7.5 – CEFR C1
30 to 31 Correct: Band 7 – CEFR C1
26 to 29 Correct: Band 6.5 – CEFR B2
23 to 25 Correct: Band 6 – CEFR B2
18 to 22 Correct: Band 5.5 – CEFR B2
16 to 17 Correct: Band 5 – CEFR B1
13 to 15 Correct: Band 4.5 – CEFR B1
11 to 12 Correct: Band 4 – CEFR B1
0 Correct: Band 0

IELTS Reading Exam Tips

60 Minutes

You can’t take your watch into the test room.

All relevant answers can be found within the text. 

Try not to make any spelling mistakes.

If questions ask you to complete a phrase like ‘in the ______’ and the correct answer is ‘morning’, just write ‘morning’. Writing ‘in the morning’ would be a mistake.

Download a Reading Test Answer Sheet

IELTS Speaking Exam Tips Video

IELTS Writing Exam Tips

60 Minutes

You can write on the question paper, but you don’t get marks for writing things on it.

One idea per paragraph.

Don’t copy full sentences from the question. There are no points awarded for that.

Task 2 is worth 2 times as much as Task 1.

Check roughly how long 150 words and 250 words look like in your own handwriting. During the test, you won’t have time to count the number of words you have written.

Task 1 needs a minimum of 150 words and Task 2 needs a minimum of 250 words. You lose marks if you don’t write enough.

Try to use formal English if possible.

You will lose marks for spelling mistakes, bad grammar or puncuation.

You can lose points for bullet points or short notes. Write answers in full or you will lose marks.

If an examiner notices you have memorized a model answer, you test may be deemed invalid.

IELTS Speaking Exam Tips

11 to 14 Minutes

Don’t talk more than the examiner.

You can ask the examiner to clarify questions if you don’t understand.

If the examiner realizes you have memorized your answer they may change the question.

At the End of the Test

Remain seated until you have the invigilator’s permission to leave the test room.

If you make a complaint about your test day, you must fill out a complaint form and submit it within one week of the test date.

Speaking Test Examples – Videos

Band 8 – Gender Equality

IELTS Model Speaking Interview 7.5

Model Speaking Interview



松井 美穂 准教授


His way of teaching was very impressive and enjoyable to the students.

Miho Matsui
(PhD: American Literature)

Associate Professor, Sapporo City University

(Previously named Sapporo School of the Arts, Design and Nursing School)