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17 Articles
Mastering the Art of Email: A Guide to Clear and Compelling Communication Crafting the perfect email is like writing a letter to the world—your message can be a simple knock on the door or an eloquent invitation to step inside. Whether you’re just entering the workforce or you’re a seasoned leader, the skill of writing impactful emails is one of the most essential tools you’ll use in your professional life. Emails hold power—the power to motivate, clarify, and connect, or, when done poorly, the power to confuse, frustrate, or even be ignored. But worry not! With a few key strategies, you can turn your emails into clear, actionable, and engaging communication. So, how do you ensure that your emails don’t just blend into the noise but instead leave an impression? Let’s walk through the steps of mastering this essential skill. The Building Blocks of a Brilliant Email Every email you send, whether to a colleague or a new contact, follows a basic structure. However, it’s in how you execute each part that will set you apart from the rest. From the subject line to the final sign-off, each component plays a role. 1. The Subject Line: Your First (and Only) Chance to Be Seen Imagine yourself standing at a busy intersection, waving to someone across the street—if your wave is too subtle or generic, you might never be noticed. The subject line of your email works the same way. A vague or poorly worded subject may land your email in the spam folder, or worse, be ignored altogether. Your subject line should offer clarity and intrigue. It’s not just a title; it’s a promise of value to the reader. Think of it like the opening line of a great novel—draw them in, but give them a reason to stay. Pro tip: Spend as much time on your subject line as you do on the body. It’s that important. 2. The Opener: First Impressions Matter In the digital world, politeness hasn’t […]View Article »
Sep 11, 2024 更新:
Sep 11, 2024 ID: 29817
IELTS Writing Sample – Task 2 (English Post) IELTS Life Skills A1 – Sample Paper #1 (PDF, 4561 kb) Make sure you practice listening to English or Australian accents before the test. Even though this is an international test, it was made by the British Council and you might be tested by someone that has a British or Australian acent. Read the title of tables. Check where the questions are. The questions might be on the back of the paper. If you miss a question during the listening test, move on. Technical or academic words are not usually paraphrased. IELTS Tips – Test Day Using the bathroom: The listening, reading and writing test takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes but there is no break so make sure your go to the bathroom before the test begins. You can’t take watches or phones into the test room. All answers must be written in pencil. IELTS Listening Exam Tips 30 Minutes Write answers on the question paper while you listen. When the test ends you get 10 minutes to copy answers onto the answer paper. Use a pencil for this. Check if the headphones are working if the test center has headphones. Write the words you hear in the test so it is easier to answer questions. The question will have different wording. Watch out for word limit. If you are asked to complete a sentence using two words and the answer is ‘study English’, then ‘learning how to speak English’ would be the wrong answer. Server 1: Download a Listening Test Answer Sheet Server 2: Download a Listening Test Answer Sheet IELTS Listening Scores – 40 Questions in Total 39 to 40 Correct: Band 9 – CEFR C237 to 38 Correct: Band 8.5 – CEFR C235 to 36 Correct: Band 8 – CEFR C132 to 34 Correct: Band 7.5 – CEFR C130 to 31 Correct: Band 7 – CEFR C126 to 29 Correct: Band 6.5 – CEFR B223 to 25 […]View Article »
Sep 30, 2020 更新:
Oct 11, 2024 ID: 23022
How to learn English quickly: 9 tips for Atsushi Atsushi, thank you for your help. I hope you find the following study tips useful. Written by Erin in language learning · 4 min read Atsushi, English is a fun language to learn, and even though it’s considered an accessible and relatively easy one to learn, with over 750,000 words and spelling that can throw off even the most skilled learner, learning English fast can seem impossible at times. But I’m here to tell you that it isn’t – as long as you have the right strategy. Here are my top tips on how to learn English quickly: 1. Read everything you can get your hands on Atsushi Classic literature, paperbacks, newspapers, websites, emails, your social media feed, cereal boxes: if it’s in English, read it. Why? Well, this content will be full of juicy new vocabulary, as well as a fair amount of word you already know. This helps you improve quickly, as re-exposure to learned vocabulary gives you new examples in context, therefore reinforcing those words in your mind. On the other hand, learning new words and expressions is essential to building your vocabulary arsenal, particularly in a language like English with so many words! However, don’t just read and move on – next, you’ve got to… 2. Actively take note of new vocabulary This tip is a classic one for good reason: it works! When learning, we often enjoy a new word of phrase so much that forgetting it seems impossible. But trust us, not everything sticks the first time. To fight this, get into the habit of carrying around a funky notebook or using a tool like Evernote. Whenever you hear or read a new word or expression, write it down in context: that is, in a sentence and with its meaning noted. This saves you time as you won’t return to that word and ask yourself: “What did that word/expression mean again?” 3. Talk with real live humans What is a language for if […]View Article »
Dec 8, 2018 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 12847
Hokkaido Trial ToursTour Event Testing & Monitoring The purpose of pre-monitor our is that we plan VIP tours. visiting Sake Brewery, best traditional craft companies (e.g. Kutani-yaki, Kaganui), Ryotei and more especially for Westerners, so the company the feedback (e.g. value of sightseeing spots, schedule, Taxi transport, an English-speaking guide, the level of service and attractions) to make a commercial tour better. We elicited informative ideas and valuable comments from travelers to offer a exclusive tour in the near future. Japanese company (client): CREA voyageTypes of travelers needed: Men of women from USA and 2 women from Japan All travelers just need to give feedback the tours (e.g. hands-on activities)Suggest ideas to make the tours better (e.g. give photos to all the guests for free as part of the tours) * This is for a travel agency providing tailor made tours, exclusive for those who seek authentic cultural experiences in Hokkaido, Japan.View Article »
Sep 20, 2018 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 12642
英文法 動詞過去形 Past Tense VerbsView Article »
Aug 30, 2017 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 10268
Online lessons are available on Line, Skype, Facebook Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Kakao Talk, WeChat, etc. * Online lessons must be paid for in advanced.View Article »
Dec 24, 2016 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 7827
Jennifer Widom – Technical Paper Writing Tips Here are the notes from a presentation I gave at the Stanford InfoLab Friday lunch, on technical paper writing tips with a few (not many) revisions when I reprised the talk, and no revisions for the revival. The presentation covered: Paper TitleThe AbstractThe IntroductionRelated WorkThe BodyPerformance ExperimentsThe ConclusionsFuture WorkThe AcknowledgementsCitationsAppendicesGrammar and Small-Scale Presentation IssuesMechanicsVersions and Distribution Running Example As a running (fictitious!) example, suppose you’ve designed and run experiments with a new algorithm for external multipass merge-sort. Your algorithm reduces the complexity from O(n log n) to O(n), under the premise that it’s acceptable to have some bounded “unsortedness” in the result. You plan to write up the results for submission to a major conference. Note: This example was used throughout the live presentation but I haven’t followed through much in these notes. Thus, the notes include several exercises for the reader. Paper Title Titles can be long and descriptive: Linear-Time External Multipass Sorting with Approximation Guarantees or short and sweet: Approximate External Sort Here’s a middle-of-the-road length, plus a cute name that sticks in people’s minds: Floosh: A Linear-Time Algorithm for Approximate External Sort The Abstract State the problem, your approach and solution, and the main contributions of the paper. Include little if any background and motivation. Be factual but comprehensive. The material in the abstract should not be repeated later word for word in the paper. (Exercise: Write an abstract for the multiway sort example.) The Introduction The Introduction is crucially important. By the time a referee has finished the Introduction, he’s probably made an initial decision about whether to accept or reject the paper — he’ll read the rest of the paper looking for evidence to support his decision. A casual reader will continue on if the Introduction captivated him, and will set the paper aside otherwise. Again, the Introduction is crucially important. Here is the Stanford InfoLab’s patented five-point structure for Introductions. Unless there’s a good argument against it, […]View Article »
Dec 3, 2016 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 7378
Contact Details Name: Sapporo Eikaiwa AGREATDREAM CEO: Glen Charles Rowell FB: Glen Charles Rowell Line ID: glencharlesrowell WeChat ID: glencharlesrowell Skype: glencharlesrowell Phone/Fax: 011-768-8116International Number: +81(11)768-8116 Postal Address: Room 506, Asahi Plaza Kairakuen,North 6 West 6, 2-1, North Ward,Sapporo, JAPAN 060-0806 Contact Form: Trial Lessons, Lesson Reservations, etc. ★ Please understand if the contact details above are not correct or you have a spam filter set on your phone/PC/tablet that we may not be able to contact you. Please double check the phone number and email address above before sending a message. Problems and/or Ideas We value your feedback and love to hear what people have to say about our lessons or company. We try our best to improve our services/products, and hopefully can offer you exactly what you want. Feel free to send us a message here anytime or call us on 011-768-8116. Hope you have an amazing day. Keep learning and smiling every day for a fulfilled life. URL: Room 506, Asahi Plaza Kairakuen, North 6 West 6, 2-1, North Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido, JAPAN 060-0806 Google Earth 43 4’04.8″N 141 20’44.20″E View on Google Maps 日本語のページへ View Japanese PageView Article »
Sep 8, 2016 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 6766
What are verbs? Verbs are words that show an action (study), occurrence (develop), or state of being (exist). For example, the suffixes -ify, -ize, -ate, or -en usually signify that a word is a verb, as in typify, characterize, irrigate, and soften. The base form is called the infinitive. Eat, drink, and love are infinitives. 英語動詞の練習リスト 単語リスト(Word List) 動詞一覧 Below is a list of 200 verbs. ① 単純現在時制 = Base Form② 単純過去時制 = Past Form③ 単純過去時制 = Past Participle Form④ 三人称単数現在 = -s/-es/-ies Form⑤ 現在分詞 = -ing Form△ 後で勉強して法がいい (Uncommon/study these later) Base Form 単純現在時制 Past Form 単純過去時制 Past Participles 単純過去時制 -s/-es/-ies 三人称単数現在 -ing Form 現在分詞 変形一覧 「文法&語法について」のトップページへ No. Base Form単純現在時制 Past Form単純過去時制 Past Participles単純過去時制 -s/-es/-ies三人称単数現在 -ing Form現在分詞 1 △ abide abode abode abides abiding 2 △ alight alit alit alights alighting 3 arise arose arisen arises arising 4 awake awoke awoken awakes awaking 5 be (am,are) was / were been is being 6 bear bore born/borne bears bearing 7 beat beat beaten beats beating 8 become became become becomes becoming 9 △ befall befell befallen befalls befalling 10 begin began begun begins beginning 11 behold beheld beheld beholds beholding 12 bend bent bent bends bending 13 △ bereave bereft bereft bereaves bereaving 14 △ beseech besought besought beseeches beseeching 15 bet bet bet bets betting 16 bid bade bidden bids bidding 17 bid bid bid bids bidding 18 bind bound bound binds binding 19 bite bit bitten bites biting 20 bleed bled bled bleeds bleeding 21 blow blew blown blows blowing 22 break broke broken breaks breaking 23 breed bred bred breeds breeding 24 bring brought brought brings bringing 25 broadcast broadcast broadcast broadcasts broadcasting 26 build built built builds building 27 burn burnt burnt burns burning 28 burst burst burst bursts bursting 29 bust bust bust busts busting 30 buy bought bought buys buying 31 cast cast cast casts casting 32 catch caught caught catches catching 33 △ chide chid chidden chides chiding 34 choose chose chosen chooses choosing […]View Article »
Oct 30, 2015 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 5965
Verbs describe the way someone or something does something. They describe an action, like the words eat, sleep, love, and study. They are actions, words that involve motion or physical activity. Example List(動詞リスト) Verbs beginning with the letter A acceptaddadmireadmitadviseaffordagreealertallowamuseanalyseannounceannoyanswerapologiseappearapplaudappreciateapprovearguearrangearrestarriveaskattachattackattemptattendattractavoid Beginning with the letter B backbakebalancebanbangbarebatbathebattlebeambegbehavebelongbleachblessblindblinkblotblushboastboilboltbombbookboreborrowbouncebowboxbrakebranchbreathebruisebrushbubblebumpburnburybuzz Verbs beginning with the letter C calculatecallcampcarecarrycarvecausechallengechangechargechasecheatcheckcheerchewchokechopclaimclapcleanclearclipclosecoachcoilcollectcolourcombcommandcommunicatecomparecompetecomplaincompleteconcentrateconcernconfessconfuseconnectconsiderconsistcontaincontinuecopycorrectcoughcountcovercrackcrashcrawlcrosscrushcrycurecurlcurvecycle Verbs beginning with the letter D damdamagedancedaredecaydeceivedecidedecoratedelaydelightdeliverdependdescribedesertdeservedestroydetectdevelopdisagreedisappeardisapprovedisarmdiscoverdislikedividedoubledoubtdragdraindreamdressdripdropdrowndrumdrydust Beginning with the letter E earneducateembarrassemployemptyencourageendenjoyenterentertainescapeexamineexciteexcuseexerciseexistexpandexpectexplainexplodeextend Verbs beginning with the letter F facefadefailfancyfastenfaxfearfencefetchfilefillfilmfirefitfixflapflashfloatfloodflowflowerfoldfollowfoolforceformfoundframefrightenfry Verbs beginning with the letter G gathergazeglowgluegrabgrategreasegreetgringripgroanguaranteeguardguessguide Beginning with the letter H hammerhandhandlehanghappenharassharmhatehauntheadhealheapheathelphookhophopehoverhughumhunthurry Verbs beginning with the letter I identifyignoreimagineimpressimproveincludeincreaseinfluenceinforminjectinjureinstructintendinterestinterfereinterruptintroduceinventinviteirritateitch Verbs beginning with the letter J jailjamjogjoinjokejudgejugglejump Verbs beginning with the letter K kickkillkisskneelknitknockknot Beginning with the letter L labellandlastlaughlaunchlearnlevellicenselicklielightenlikelistlistenliveloadlocklonglooklove Verbs beginning with the letter M manmanagemarchmarkmarrymatchmatemattermeasuremeddlemeltmemorisemendmess upmilkminemissmixmoanmoormournmovemuddlemugmultiplymurder Verbs beginning with the letter N nailnameneednestnodnotenoticenumber Verbs beginning with the letter O obeyobjectobserveobtainoccuroffendofferopenorderoverflowoweown Beginning with the letter P packpaddlepaintparkpartpasspastepatpausepeckpedalpeelpeepperformpermitphonepickpinchpineplaceplanplantplaypleaseplugpointpokepolishpoppossesspostpourpractisepraypreachprecedepreferpreparepresentpreservepresspretendpreventprickprintproduceprogrampromiseprotectprovidepullpumppunchpuncturepunishpush Verbs beginning with the letter Q questionqueue Verbs beginning with the letter R raceradiaterainraisereachrealisereceiverecogniserecordreducereflectrefuseregretreignrejectrejoicerelaxreleaserelyremainrememberremindremoverepairrepeatreplacereplyreportreproducerequestrescueretirereturnrhymerinseriskrobrockrollrotrubruinrulerush Verbs beginning with the letter S sacksailsatisfysavesawscarescatterscoldscorchscrapescratchscreamscrewscribblescrubsealsearchseparateservesettleshadeshareshavesheltershivershockshopshrugsighsignsignalsinsipskiskipslapslipslowsmashsmellsmilesmokesnatchsneezesniffsnoresnowsoaksoothesoundsparesparksparklespellspillspoilspotspraysproutsquashsqueaksquealsqueezestainstampstarestartstaysteerstepstirstitchstopstorestrapstrengthenstretchstripstrokestuffsubtractsucceedsucksuffersuggestsuitsupplysupportsupposesurprisesurroundsuspectsuspendswitch Beginning with the letter T talktametaptasteteasetelephonetemptterrifytestthankthawticktickletietimetiptiretouchtourtowtracetradetraintransporttraptraveltreattrembletricktriptrottroubletrusttrytugtumbleturntwisttype Verbs beginning with the letter U undressunfastenuniteunlockunpackuntidyuse Verbs beginning with the letter V vanishvisitvotevomit Verbs beginning with the letter W wailwaitwalkwanderwantwarmwarnwashwastewatchwaterwaveweighwelcomewhinewhipwhirlwhisperwhistlewinkwipewishwobblewonderworkworrywrapwreckwrestlewriggle Please wait here.Walk through the park if you want to get there quicker. Beginning with the letter X x-rayxeroxed They had to x-ray her arm. Beginning with the letter Y yankyawnyell You don’t need to yell that loud. Beginning with the letter Z zipzoom Grammar and Examples: • Mr. Rowell takes a lesson in the morning. What does Mr. Rowell do? He takes a lesson. The action he is doing is “taking” a lesson. So the action is denoted by the word “takes”. In that case that word “takes” is the verb. • The university hired him.Here, the word “hired” is the verb. • His boss refused to support him at critical moments.Here, the word “refused” is the verb. • The students write their papers in the Sapporo City Hall.Here, the word “write” is the verb. The verbs can be classified in different […]View Article »
Oct 18, 2012 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 4868
「文法&語法について」のトップページへ 過去分詞形単語リストを見る 英文法 過去分詞形(Past Participle) Examples 過去分詞はbe+過去分詞で受動態,have+過去分詞で完了形を表します。また動詞の性質をもちながら形容詞・副詞としても働き,副詞で働くときを特に分詞構文と言います。動詞の性質をもっているので,目的語や補語,副詞などとともに句を作ります。 Past participles (過去分詞形:eaten, seen, chosen, stolen, etc) are used in the passive voice (受動態:My bag was stolen!) in English, and for all perfect tense (Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.) forms of a verb. 0. 現在形 Present Simple 元気ですよ!!(例)I feel great! グレンさんは寿司が大好きです。(例)Glen loves sushi. 地球は丸いです。(例)The Earth is round. 太陽は西に沈む。(例)The sun sets in the west. 学校の休みは3月27日から始まります。(例)The school holidays begin on March 27th. 彼女はまだレッスンを終えていません。(例)She hasn’t finished her lesson yet. 1. 現在完了形 Present Perfect 彼女はまだレッスンを終えていません。(例)She hasn’t finished her lesson yet. まだ手帳が見つからない。(例)I still haven’t found my notebook. 私達は既にサッポロファクトリーに行ったことがあります。(例)We‘ve already been to Sapporo Factory.(完了) 私は2020年から中央区に住んでいます。(例)I have lived in Central Ward since 2020.(継続) 彼女は西区に住んだことがあります。(例)She has lived in West Ward before.(経験) 問題 次の英文を、日本語にしましょう。 ① I have been to Susukino once. ② Have you eaten breakfast yet? ③ I have never read that book. ④ It has been cloudy since Saturday. 解答 ① わたしは、ススキノに一度行ったことがあります。 ② あなたはもう朝ご飯を食べましたか。 ③ わたしは、その本を一度も読んだことがありません。 ④ 土曜日からずっとくもりです。 解説 ① は、have been to+場所で「(場所)に行ったことがある」を表します。現在完了形の経験用法ですね。once「一度」という回数の表現があることからも経験用法だとわかります。 ② は、Have ~ yet?に注目しましょう。「もう~しましたか。」という完了・結果を表します。疑問文のyetは「もう」、否定文でのyetは「まだ」という訳になります。 ③ は、have never readで「一度も読んだことがない」を表します。neverは「一度も~ない」という表現で、現在完了形の経験用法でよく用いられます。 ④ は、It has been cloudyで「(ずっと)くもりである」を表します。現在完了形の継続用法ですね。since「~から」という表現があることからも継続用法だとわかります。 2. 過去完了形 Past Perfect (例)Mio was happy because she had passed her Eiken exam. (例)She missed the bus because she hadn’t set her alarm. 3. 未来完了形 Future Perfect (例)At the end of the month, I will have been working in this office for ten years. (例)He will have gone by the time you get here. 4. 条件完了形 Conditional Perfect (例)If my apple had not been eaten, I would have used it to make a snack. (例)I wouldn’t have known, if you hadn’t told me. 5. 受身形 Passive Voice (例)The end of the TOEIC test was finished by only half the students. (例)The language learning software was used to help remember the spelling of words. Passive Verb Formation Tense Subject Auxiliary PastParticiple Singular Plural Present The lesson/lessons is are finished. Present perfect The DVD/DVDs has been have been made. Past The poster/posters was were printed. Past perfect The book/books had been had been ripped. Future The test/tests will be will be checked. Future perfect The form/forms will have been will have been designed. Present progressive […]View Article »
Feb 22, 2012 更新:
Aug 3, 2024 ID: 3668
Free Language Lessons Free Language Lessons: 06/22/11 Offer Expired Sometimes I offer free language lessons during campaigns or to students that are involved in community work helping others. If you would like a free lesson please send me a message stating why and the type of community work you do. Contact Page We have had many request from people who are looking for free language software. The software listed on this website is free to use and can be updated by request as well. 500 yen teacher training in Sapporo, Japan ETJ-Hokkaido (Facebook Page) Common English Idioms List of Common English Idioms and Phrases with Their Meaning above board: honest, openad lib: improvise, interpolateafter all: in spite of the situation; neverthelessagainst the grain: contrary to someone’s feelings, principlesall along: all the timeall ears: eager to listenall of a sudden: no differenceall thumbs: clumsyapple of one’s eye: very dear, preciousapple of discord: subject of envy or quarrelas a rule: generally, usuallyas far as I know: if I have correct informationas far as I am concerned: in my opinionas for me/ as to me: in my opinionas well: also, tooat first sight: from the first glance; at once; at first glanceat odds with: in disagreement withat random: at this timebackseat driver: a passenger who tells you how to driveballpark figure: approximate estimate (in figures)bark at the moon: do a useless thing; waste timebark up the wrong tree: accuse or pursue the wrong person; misdirect one’s effortsbe about to: readybe all in: be extremely tiredbe back on one’s feet: healthy again or better financiallybeat around the bush: avoid giving a clear/definite answerbe behind the times: be old-fashioned, outdatedbe beside oneself: be very upset, nervous, worriedbe better off: be in a better situation (financially)be broke: have no money at all; be penniless, bankruptbe hard on something or someone: treat roughlybe high on one’s list: be one of the most important thingsbe in charge of something: be responsible forbe in good health: be healthybe in poor health: be […]View Article »
Jan 19, 2012 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 752
熟語 – idioms〔語句の文字通りの意味からは類推できない意味を持つようになった表現。〕& phrases Why learn idioms? Learning idiomatic expressions is a very important part of the language-learning process. Much of everyday speech is based on colloquial and slang vocabulary – much of this vocabulary is based on idioms. Our collection of English idioms will teach you the type of language that native speakers use every day. You will become more fluent in English and will be able to communicate better. Double Click Popup Dictionary* Computers Only English to Japanese Dictionary: Double click on any English word, other than a link or page title, to check the meaning in Japanese. A separate popup dictionary page will open. Idioms & Phrases: Free Study List Set 1 About time:Nearly time, high time.“It’s about time you bought a new car!“Absence makes the heart grow fonder:Proverb that means that our feeling for those we love increases when we are apart from them.“You know what they say? Absence makes the heart grow fonder.“(To) act high and mighty:To act proudly and arrogantly.Vocalist Kyle Medina comments, “I wrote this song mainly about how people act high and mighty, talk a ton of negativity and trash, but are essentially not as holier than thou as they present themselves.“Actions speak louder than words:Proverb meaning that’s it’s better to do something about a problem than to talk about it.(To) act one’s age:To behave in a more mature way. Frequently said to a child or teen.“Bill, stop throwing rocks! Act your age!“(To) add fuel to the fire:To make a bad problem even worse.“You don’t need to add fuel to the fire!“(To) add insult to injury:To make a bad situation even worse.Against the clock:To attempt to do something “against the clock” is to attempt to do something as fast as possible usually before a deadline.All-out:Complete. Very strong.“They did an all-out search for the missing boy and they found him.“All set:Ready (to go).“All set?“All thumbs:Awkward. Clumsy.A little bird told me:When someone says “a little bird told me” it means they don’t want you to know who […]View Article »
Oct 21, 2011 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 2567
英文法 動詞過去形 Past Tense VerbsView Article »
Aug 12, 2011 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 2045
You Can Study English or Japaneseat A Great Dream language school I warmly welcome you to Sapporo Language School A Great Dream. If you are interested in improving your English skills or you are a beginner that needs help learning Japanese, you can take English and/or Japanese language lessons at affordable prices, just a short walk away from Sapporo Station. Start studying today. What I Can Do For You I can teach you: I can also: Message from the Owner My name is Glen Charles Rowell and I’m the owner of A Great Dream language school. I’ve been living in Japan for almost 25 years, can speak Japanese and have networked with a lot of people. If you’re here then you have received one of my private business cards, found me through SNS, on one of my websites or you’ve found out I am giving away some study advice. Secrets discovered through years of study, also through teaching and mentoring over 40,000 people. These techniques benefit those who are looking for help in transforming their lives beyond just their relationships with others. For example, a Synthetic Happiness Technique. Most people think having a lot of time and the ability to change their mind at any time is a good thing, but in many situations it’s actually better not to have a lot of choices. If your problem isn’t too difficult to deal with, just quickly make a choice and stick with it. Don’t run away from the problem, or trouble that faces you. By facing problems head-on, it will help you learn a lot quicker. No Fluff Lessons that are straight to the point and give you real-world, actionable items that you can start implementing immediately. Start by using some of the free study resources on this website. English Home Page Details School Details AddressRoom 505, Asahiplaza Kairakuen, North 6 West 6, 2-1, North Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan 060-0806 HoursWeekdays 8:30-0:30, Sat/Sun 12:00-0:30 Telephone011-768-8116 LanguagesEnglish or Japanese PaymentCash or Bank […]View Article »
Jul 29, 2011 更新:
Dec 19, 2024 ID: 1676
Jul 26, 2011 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 1624
TOEIC試験でスコアを上げるには、単語力が何よりも重要である。 オンラインクイズ + 単語リスト:400点~、600点~、800点~ TOEIC単語250語 目標スコア400点ぐらい a lot ofたくさんのaccording to〜によればactually実際はadditional追加のadvance事前のafter〜の後でagain再びagree賛成するallow許すalready既にalways常にannual年1回のapplication申し込みappointment予約/約束approve承認するarea地域arrange取り決める/並べるarrive到着するattend出席するavailable利用できるaward賞be interested in…に興味を持っているbefore〜よりも前にbegin始めるbelong…に付属するbenefit利益board役員会book予約するboth両方のbring持ってくる/もたらすbudget予算building建物buy買うcancel取り消すcandidate志願者carry運ぶcenter中心地/センターchange変える/つり銭charge料金/請求するcheck調べるchoose選ぶclassクラス/種類client顧客close近いcolleague同僚collect集めるcomplete完成させるconcern心配conduct行うconference会議confirm確認するconsiderよく考えるconstruction建設/工事contact連絡を取るcorporate企業のcost費用/費用がかかるcouncil議会couponクーポンcourse課程currently現在のところcustomer客deadline締め切りdecision決定delay遅れdelivery配達department部署describe説明するdesignデザインdifferent異なったdirector担当責任者discount割引discuss話し合うdisplay陳列document文書/記録するdue支払い期限のきたduring…の間にeachそれぞれのearly早いemployee従業員encourage励ますentrance入り口equipment備品/器具exhibition展示expand拡大するexpect予期するexperience経験facility施設feature特徴fee謝礼feedbackフィードバックfewほとんどないfinancial財政上のfind見つけるfine素晴らしいfinish…を終えるflight飛行floor階free無料の/自由なfurniture家具great優れたguest客hire雇うhold保有するhome家howeverしかしながらidea考えidentification身分証明書important重要なimprove改良するinclude含むincrease増加/増えるindustry産業install取り付けるinsteadその代りにinterview面接into…の中にinventory在庫invoice請求書issue問題/発行するitem項目/品目large大きい/広いlast続くlearn学ぶ/知るleave去るlibrary図書館local地元のlocation場所logoロゴmaintenance整備management経営/管理material材料/原料medical医学のmeet会うmeeting会議memberメンバーmerchandise商品move動かす/引っ越すmuseum博物館news知らせnote thatご注意くださいonceいったん…するとopen開けるopportunity機会park公園/駐車するparticipant参加者participate in参加するpassenger乗客pay支払うpayment支払いpeople人々per…につきperformance公演piece作品place場所/設置するplan計画position位置possible可能なprepare用意するpresentationプレゼンテーションprice価格probablyおそらくproblem問題process過程/処理をするproduce農作物/製造するprofessional専門的なprogram番組projectプロジェクトpromote促進するprovide提供するpublic公衆のpublish出版するpurchase購入するpurpose目的/意図quality質read読むready用意ができたreceipt領収書receive受け取るrecently最近reception受付recommend推薦するreduce減らすrefund払い戻すregister記録するremember覚えているremove取り去るrenovation改装repair修理するreplace取って代わるreplacement取り替えreport報告書/報告するrepresentative代表者request要請/依頼require必要とするresearch研究reservation予約resource資源résumé履歴書return戻る/返すreview見直し/見直すrevise改めるschedule予定, 計画sell売るseminar研究会send送るserviceサービス/点検するset配置するseveralいくつかship船/配送するshop買い物をするshow見せるsign標識/署名するsince…以来sincerely敬具size大きさsoonすぐ後sorryすまなく思ってspecial特別subject表題submit提出するsuccessful成功したsuggestion提案supervisor監督者supply供給するsurvey調査talk話すteamチームthink…と思うthoughけれども/たとえ…してもthrough…を通してticket入場券total全部のtour旅行/見学training訓練travel行くtype種類/類型unfortunately残念ながらuntil…までupcomingまもなくやって来るupdate更新するvacation休暇vehicle乗り物view意見/眺めvisit訪問するwait待つway方法/道welcome歓迎whether…かどうかwhile〜している間に/…の一方でwrite書く TOEIC単語225語 目標スコア600点ぐらい a couple of2つのabove…の上方にabsolutely絶対にaccessible行きやすいaccomplishment達成achievement達成acquire獲得するadjust調整するadministrative管理のadvantage有利な点affordable値段が手頃なaloneただ1人でanniversary記念日anticipate…を予期するapologize謝罪するapproach手法/近づくappropriate適切なapproximateおよそaside from…は別としてassess評価するaudience聴衆auditorium講堂autograph有名人のサインautomatically自動的にaware気づいているbaggage手荷物be supposed to…であると思うbelow…より下にbeyond…の向こうにblueprint青写真broad広範囲のbroadcast放送番組/放送するcafeteria食堂cashierレジ係ceiling天井certificate証明書checkoutチェックアウト/レジclarify明らかにするclassic見事な/定番のclearance整理clerkホテルなどの係college大学commonありふれたcompact小型のcompare比較するcomplimentほめ言葉connect接続するconservation保護constant絶え間なく続くcontribute提供する/貢献するcuisine料理deal with処理するdecade10年間decline断る/減少するdecorate飾るdecrease減少するdedicate専念するdefect傷definitely間違いなくdegree学位deliciousとてもおいしいdemand要求/要求するdental歯のdepart出発するdetermine明らかにするdigest要約/情報を消化するdirect向ける/直接のdirectory名簿discover発見するdistrict地域donate寄付するdurable耐久性のあるearn稼ぐeatery食堂efficiency能率eligible適任のemphasize強調するenclose同封するenroll入学するentire全体のentry加入envelope封筒equally等しくestablish設立するevaluation評価evidence証拠exactly正確に/そのとおりexclusive独占的なexit出口expert専門家explore探索するexposeさらすfamiliarよく知られたfare運賃finalize完結させるfinallyようやくflexible柔軟なformal正式のformatフォーマット/構成foundation基礎frequent頻繁に起こるfrom scratchゼロからfund基金/資金を提供するgather集めるgeneralだいたいのguarantee保証するguess推測するhandbook入門書handout配布資料hardlyほとんど…ないhighlight目立たせるhuge巨大なhurry急ぐI’m afraid…申し訳ありませんが…impact影響implement実行するin a row一列にin the meantimeそれまでin writing文字でincorporate組み入れるindividual個人influence影響を及ぼすinitial頭文字/最初のinput知識などの提供inside…の中へinstitute機関instrument楽器internshipインターンシップintroduction導入itinerary旅行計画judge審査員/判断するknowledge知識ladderはしごlanguage言語layoutレイアウトluck幸運major専攻科目/主要なmaximum最大量/最大数means手段medication薬剤merger合併method方法metro地下鉄moment瞬間monitorモニターneighborhood近所networkingネットワークづくりnewly新たにnormallyふつうはnumerous多数のnutrition栄養occur起こるon behalf of…を代表してonto…の上へotherwiseさもなければoutstanding傑出した/未払いのoverhead頭上のovernight一晩中overseas海外の/海外へoversee監督するowe借りているpanelパネルparticular特定のpatron顧客perfect完璧なphotocopyコピーpleasure喜びplenty ofたくさんpractical実践的なpredict予測するprescription処方箋primary主要なprior to…より前にpriority優先事項profileプロフィールprofit利益progress進歩projectorプロジェクターpromise約束するproud多大なqualify資格を与えるquarter四半期questionnaireアンケートquick迅速なrecipient受取人reflect映すregularly定期的にregulation規則relevant関連のあるrestore修復するretire退職するsatisfaction満足satisfy満足させるshortlyまもなくshowcaseガラスケースsignificant重要なsimple単純なsocial社会のsociety社会sponsorship資金援助stack積み重ねるsteady着実なstructure構造subscribe購読するsummary要約temperature温度tenantテナントterminal発着ロビーtransaction取引undergo経験するuniform制服unique独特のunless…しない限りurgent緊急のvaluable価値の高いvolume容量walkway歩道waterproof防水性のwheelbarrow手押し車whenever…する時はいつでもwhole全体のwilling…してもかまわないworkplace仕事場worth…に値するyield産出する TOEIC単語100語 目標スコア800点以上 abandon捨てるaboard(船や飛行機に)乗ってacclaimほめたたえるaccountable責任があるadapt適応させるadequate…するのに十分なadhere(忠実に)従うadmire感心するadopt採用するaffiliate系列会社afterwardその後でalike同様にalternative代案amend修正するample十分なanonymous匿名のapplause拍手/賞賛apprenticeship見習い期間aspire熱望するassure保証するattest証明するattribute…に原因があると考えるawait待つawning日よけbulk大部分bypass迂回路candid率直なchronicle年代記coin(新語を)造り出すcommission手数料compensate補うcompile編集するcompliance法令遵守conditional条件付きのcongestion混雑contrast差異/対比するconvince納得させるcozy居心地の良いculinary食事のdeliberate故意のdesignate指名するdiscard捨てるdisclosure公開dismantle解体するdisrupt中断させるdisturb邪魔をするduplicate複製するendeavor試みexpedite促進するexposition説明/展示会forthcoming今度のfragile壊れやすいgratitude感謝の気持ちimprint刻み込むinlayはめ込むintermittent断続的なlandmark歴史的な建物mandatory義務的なmentor助言者nominate推薦するnovice初心者nursery園芸店obstacle障害物offset埋め合わせるoriginate生じるoutlay出資金overhaul改善overlook見落とすoverwhelming圧倒的なperiodic定期的なpraise賞賛の言葉prestigious一流のproceeds売上高prohibit禁止するprojection予測/見通しpromptly遅延なくpursue追求するquota割当量/ノルマredeem(現金に)換えるremodel改造するresolve解決するresume再開するretain保持するretrieve検索するroundup総括rundown手短な報告slate予定するspecification仕様書specify明細に述べるsteep急な/大幅なstreamline(仕事を)合理化するstroll散歩するtailor合わせて作るthoroughly徹底的にturnout出席者tutor教師unconventional型にはまらないundertake引き受けるunload荷物をおろすversatile多目的なView 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Jul 25, 2011 更新:
Jul 5, 2024 ID: 1590