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 Category: Dialogue

Discussing Details of Moving in – ESL

Discussing Details of Moving in Conversation 1. 01 A: When can I move into my new house? 02 B: The current owners will be moving out on Tuesday, so technically you could pick up the keys and move in on Wednesday. 03 A: Will the utilities be turned on? 04 B: You need to contact the utility company and make arrangements to transfer the utilities to your name. 05 A: I really want to paint the walls right away and get the carpet cleaned. 06 B: If I were you, I would take a few days to take care of those things before you move in. 07 A: I was thinking that I should have my new appliances delivered as we are moving in. 08 B: That would be perfect. That way, someone will be there, but you will have them right away. 09 A: Can you help me on my move-in day? 10 B: I think that I have something else really important to do on that day. I just can’t remember what it is. Discussing Details of Moving in JACET8000 Word Level L5: technically (1), utilities (2), utility (1) L4: appliances (1)L2: bold words JET2020 Word Level SH = Senior High School; JH = Junior High School WordFrequencyLemma Word Form(s)Levelutility3utilities (2), utility (1)SHmoving2moving (2)SHcurrent1current (1)SHtechnically1technically (1)SHarrangement1arrangements (1)SHtransfer1transfer (1)SHappliance1appliances (1)SHowner1owners (1)JH2company1company (1)JH2carpet1carpet (1)JH2if1if (1)JH2deliver1delivered (1)JH2move4move (4)JH1will4will (4)JH1away2away (2)JH1into1into (1)JH1so1so (1)JH1could1could (1)JH1pick1pick (1)JH1key1keys (1)JH1need1need (1)JH1contact1contact (1)JH1paint1paint (1)JH1wall1walls (1)JH1were1were (1)JH1few1few (1)JH1care1care (1)JH1those1those (1)JH1thing1things (1)JH1before1before (1)JH1should1should (1)JH1as1as (1)JH1perfect1perfect (1)JH1way1way (1)JH1someone1someone (1)JH1there1there (1)JH1but1but (1)JH1them1them (1)JH1something1something (1)JH1else1else (1)JH1important1important (1)JH1just1just (1)JH1remember1remember (1)JH1 CEFR-J WordFrequencyLemma Word Form(s)POSLevelappliance1appliances (1)NOUNNAutility3utilities (2), utility (1)NOUNB2technically1technically (1)ADVB2deliver1delivered (1)VERBB1current1current (1)ADJB1arrangement1arrangements (1)NOUNB1transfer1transfer (1)VERBB1carpet1carpet (1)NOUNB1move5move (3), moving (2)VERBA2in3in (3)ADVA2perfect1perfect (1)ADJA2few1few (1)ADJA2on1on (1)ADVA2so1so (1)ADVA2up1up (1)ADVA2need1need (1)VERBA2contact1contact (1)VERBA2company1company (1)NOUNA2 Discussing Details of Moving in Conversation 2. A: What would be a good day to finally move into the house? B: You can pick up your keys on Tuesday night. When you actually move in is up to you. A: Will the electricity and water be on, […]

Money and Banking Vocabulary – Financial Phrases

English Banking Vocabulary & Phrases Explore Essential Banking and Money Vocabulary: Bank Terminology, Finance Vocabulary, Money Idioms and Slang Banking and money related vocabulary/phrases related to finance are useful for English learners that are visiting or working in an English-speaking country for an extended period of time. When arriving in a new country to live and work, one of the first things we should do is open a bank account. In order to do this, we need to know various money and banking related phrases. When banking and dealing with financial issues, we tend to use certain key phrases and words. Using English at the bank can be a daunting prospect for some EFL students due to the specific vocabulary needed. Knowing some basic banking and money phrases will help in many situations, not only when dealing with banking and financial issues. Read on to find some of the most common banking and money vocabulary. We explore special terms and words you will hear at the bank, finance-related vocabulary you might want to use and interesting money-related idioms and slang expressions. Banking and Money Vocabulary English for Banking and Finance to deposit; making a deposit; pay into your bank account making a withdrawal / to withdraw – taking money out of your bank account debit card, credit card, store card – types of plastic cards used for making financial transactions balance – the amount of money in your account to be in credit – to have a positive bank balance to be overdrawn – to have a negative bank balance credit (noun) – credit allows a person to buy goods/services before payment, based on trust that payment will be made in the future to credit – to add money to your account (e.g. ‘your account has been credited’) Debit cards use money you already have in your account. Credit cards use money on ‘credit’ – that you will have to pay back in the future. money, loose change, coins, pennies, […]

English for Kids: Daily Phrases, Dialogue, Video with Subtitles

View All Dialogues + English for Kids English for kids that want to improve their speaking skills. Part 1 Scene 1: In the classroom 0:10 Good morning. Good morning, everyone. How are you? Fine, thanks. How are you? Great! Come in, please. Nice to meet you. My name is Kate. Nice to meet you, too. Sit down, please. Thank you. Scene 2: In the hall, outside the music room 0:45 Singing ♪ Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. How are you? I’m fine (x2). I’m fine, thank you. This is the music room. Wow! They are good. La la la la la. Ha ha ha ha ha. Scene 3: In the hall and in the library 1:05 That’s the school library. Wow! Many books. Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon, Mr. Kim. My name is Kate. How are you? I’m great. Nice to meet you Kate. Scene 4: At Sally’s house 1:42 Hello. Hello, Sally. What’s this? It’s a book. What’s that? Ha ha. It’s a box. Wow! Wow! What’s that? It’s a pencil. Thank you. Your welcome. Wow! Pizza. Scene 5: In the dojo 2:51 Look they do Taekwondo. Wow! Who is he? He is my taekwondo teacher. Who is she? She is my friend. She is wonderful. Scene 6: At a concert 3:19 ♪ La la la la la la la.. Wow! Who is she? I don’t know. Mike, is she your mom? Yes, she’s my mom. Scene 7: At school 3:45 Let’s sing a song together. Great! I can’t sing. La la la la la… Scene 8: Walking bikes 4:04 What time do you get up? I get up at 6. I go to school at 7:30. Wow! You’re an early bird. Thank you. Look it’s a new bike. What a nice bike. Yes, it’s very nice. Whose bike is this? It’s Mike’s. Mike, is this your bike? Yes, it’s mine. Wow! You have a nice bike. Thanks. Scene 9: At school 4:55 What’s that? My birthday invitation. […]

交通 バス Transportation – On the Bus

This bus goes all the way to the Santa Anita mall, right?

Spicy Food & Conjunctions

Carly used to love eating spicy food. It makes her sweat and causes a lot of stomach pain no though. Bryan really likes the taste of spicy food.

付加疑問文 | Tag Questions + Dialogue

付加疑問文 Tag Questions + Dialogue Listen for the tag questions. View All Dialogues + Mari: You know what’s the worst? Alison: What? Mari: When you have to go to the bathroom so badly, and you just cannot find a public restroom. Alison: It’s so true, and there aren’t very many alternatives. Mari: No. And I feel like we’re so lucky in the US because we have a lot of public restrooms. If you’ve traveled extensively, you don’t always get to places that have them. Alison: Exactly. Mari: And then you realize… Pretty lucky. Now, the flip side of that is that they are not always the cleanest places, are they? Alison: I know! I always worry about my hygiene when I go in. I was in a public restroom the other day, and there were no soap dispensers and no paper towels. Mari: I understand. And sometimes, there’s a lack of privacy, like there’s not really doors, and the door doesn’t lock. But you know, when it’s an emergency, they’re your best resource. Alison: I am glad we have options. Discussion Mari and Jessica agree that public bathrooms have advantages and disadvantages. They are not usually clean places, and Jessica worries about her hygiene whenever she uses a public restroom. Also, because they are public, these bathrooms are often missing necessary supplies, like soap and paper towels. And they don’t always give people enough privacy.However, Mari and Jessica also think that, in an emergency situation, a public bathroom is a wonderful resource. Not every country has restrooms for people to use when they are traveling around town. Marni thinks people in the US should feel lucky because they have the option to use public restrooms, and Jessica agrees with her.Do you have many public bathrooms in your country? Are these bathrooms clean or dirty? Grammar Point Tag Questions 付加疑問文 Marni and Alison are talking about public bathrooms. Mari says, “Now, the flipside of that is that they are not always the cleanest places, are they?” She uses a tag question.Tag questions are two word tags added to the end of a statement to […]

オンラインチャット Online Chat

オンラインチャット – Online Chat The conversations below are based on real online chats. View All Dialogues + 会話 – Conversation 1 MilaHi. What’s up? Hello. The 1st personHi. What are you doing? MilaNothing much. Where are you from? The 1st personI’m from Japan. [Connection cuts] 会話 – Conversation 2 MilaHi Brian. Thank you Tony. Thank you Robert O. Where ya from? BrianI’m from Odori. I’m in a taxi on the way home. MilaSorry, I can’t hear ya properly. How ya doing? BrianI’m doing pretty good. MilaI don’t have your number Brian. What song should I listen to? BrianNo, I think that’s ok. What do you talk about in the group?How are you? How’s your day been? SharonI got my nails done. That’s all. BrianHow much is that? Sharon60 dollars. John60 dollars. That’s crazy. But if you like them I guess it’s okay. The last guy looked like the hamburger guy… SharonYeah he does. Let me check my inbox. JohnYou have beautiful eyes. SharonThank you. Where you from? JohnKentucky. SharonI’ve never been there. Sounds interesting. How do you unwind? Chillback, unwind, drink a wine. I don’t drink. [Connection cuts] Hi. Blacks nice. Hi. Good morning How are you? I’m fine. You from? You from? I’m from India. Nice. What’s up? Not much. I have some questions for you. Okay? Can you crack any bones? Favorite fast food? I don’t know. Favorite phone? Android. How are you? Not bad.How are you doing? Nice. Thank you. Where you from? India. Nice. I’m in the US now. Where you at? I’m in LA. Oh, I’m jealous. You can come down. I wish. Soon I’ll be coming to xxxx. So what do you do? Austin, thank you for the favorite. Hi Sam. I like Sam. Sam is cool.I’m good. How are you? Where are you from? Chicago. Lucky. I’m from x. Shit, it’s cold up here. Lol. Why should we date? Because I’m amazing. Lol… オンラインチャットの質問Questions for Students – Online Chat 1. What are common […]

Sapporo Station – Where is Stella Place?

Here are a few dialogues between people at Sapporo Station. JR Hokkaido is the company View All Dialogues + Where is Stella Place? A: Excuse me. Where is Stella Place? B: It’s just over there. A: Okay. Thank you. Buying a ticket A: Excuse me. How much is a ticket to Otaru station? B: There are 3 stations there. Where do you want to go in Otaru? A: I want to see the canal. B: Okay. Catch a train to the final stop in Otaru. The ticket is 640 yen. But make sure you don’t get off at Otaru Minami or Otaru-chikko. About Sapporo Station Address: 4 Chome Kita 6 Jonishi, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0806 Opened: November 28, 1880 Station Code: 01 Japan’s train stations can be confusing. For example, JR Tokyo, JR Shinjuku, and JR Ueno are enormous maze-arrays of trains, subways, super ways, escalators, shops, underground passageways, and constantly-flowing crowds. Compared to them, JR Sapporo is a lot easier to use. Even when completely revamped in 2003, and despite serving a city of nearly two million people, JR Sapporo Station managed to remain self-contained and manageable. Coming from New Chitose Airport, you will disembark on an elevated platform with views of the city facing North and South. It’s a pleasant view of the city but follow the crowds downstairs to the main floor. You’ll pass by kiosks, shops, and if it’s wintertime, Sapporo denizens standing snugly around portable space heaters installed by the station. Winters in Hokkaido are quite cold, and JR Sapporo Station’s platforms are of course somewhat exposed to the elements. But not to worry. Keep walking: You’ll feel the station sharply warm up by degrees the closer you get to the exit ticket gates, which face East and West.

Peru: Ivan

About Peru Peru is a country in South America. That’s home to a section of Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu, an ancient Incan city high in the Andes mountains. The region around Machu Picchu is rich in archaeological sites. Especially the Sacred Valley, Inca Trail and colonial city of Cusco. On Peru’s arid Pacific coast is Lima, the capital, with a preserved colonial center and important collections of pre-Columbian art. Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Inca citadel. Located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru, on a 2,430 meter mountain ridge. It is located in Urubamba Province, Machupicchu District, above the Sacred Valley. It is 80 kilometers northwest of Cuzco, through which the Urubamba River flows. In 2005, there were over 400,000 visitors. That made their way to the top of the mountain to see the beautiful views. About Myself – Transcript My name is Ivan and I am from Peru. My question is how did you learn English? Well, it all started when I was in high school and my teacher told me I had a good command of the English language, and that I should study it to speak it fluently. That motivated me, and I decided to change all of my habits and do things differently. I started to watch TV shows in English, movies in English. Pretty much everything in my life changed to the point where everything I did involved the English language. Little by little, I started to learn more, new words, new phrases, and so I decided it was time to take it a step further. So I entered an institute and started to learn the English language professionally. Once in there, I entered into a website where I met a lot of people from all over the world speaking English. And to this day some of these people continue to be my friends and I practice English with them every day.

Restaurant English – Common Expressions Waiters, & Staff Use

When you go to a restaurant, you usually know what is going to happen and that is because eating at a restaurant usually follows a set script. The waiters aren’t given one to memorize, of course. But even so, waiters and waitresses usually stick to a very narrow range of English phrases. Here is what you can usually expect to hear when going to a restaurant.

恋愛 – Romance Conversation – Meeting Someone

Romance – 相手に会う – Meeting People – レッスン 49 会話Conversation Romance 普通のスピードNormal Speed 遅いスピードSlower 会話文と音声Transcript and Audio Vickyもしもし。Hello? Benもしもし、ビッキー。Hi Vicky. Vickyもう着いてる?Are you there yet? Benうん。Yes. Vicky今地下鉄を降りた所。もうすぐ。遅れてごめん。I just got off the subway. I’m almost there. Sorry I’m late. Ben全然大丈夫。中にいるって伝えたかっただけ。That’s no problem. I just wanted to tell you I’m inside. Vickyどこ?Where are you? Ben2階。On the second floor. Vicky私が2階に行く?ベンが1階に来る?Should I come to the second floor or do you want to come to the first floor? Ben2階に来て。Come upstairs. Vickyえっ、何?What? Ben聞こえる?2階に来てって言ったんだ。Oh, Can you hear me OK? I said, come to the second floor. Vickyああ、分かった.何してるの?Oh, OK. What are you doing there? Ben英語の勉強の仕方の本を探しているんだ。Just looking at some books on how to learn English. Vicky後で何か食べる?Do you want to get something to eat later? Benううん、僕夕食したからまだお腹いっぱいなんだ。No, I’m still full from dinner. Vicky何しようか?What do you want to do? Benよく分からない。着いたら話そう。I don’t know for sure. When you get here we’ll talk about it. Vickyいいよ。じゃ後で。OK, see you soon. Benバーイ。Bye. 質問Questions ビッキーさんはどこですか?1. Where is Vicky? ベンさんは何をしていますか?2. What is Ben doing? 何階で彼らが会うのだろうか?3. Which floor will they meet on? どのぐらいの頻度で地下鉄に乗っていますか?4. How often do you catch the subway? 札幌駅に行ったことがありますか?5. Have you ever been to Sapporo Station? 単語練習リスト – Study Vocabulary 全ての会話を表示 – View All Dialogues 例文Other Useful Phrases 独身ですか?(どくしん ですか?)Are you single? きれいだよ。You look beautiful. なかなかカッコいいよ。 (なかなか かっこいいよ。)You look pretty sharp. 今度一緒にどこかに遊びに行きませんか? (こんど いっしょに どこかに あそびに いきませんか?)Do you want to go out sometime? 今度どこかに一緒にデートしない? (こんど どこかに いっしょに でーとしない?)Do you want to go on a date sometime?Let’s go on a date sometime. At a Cafe or Bar ここに誰か座ってる? (ここに だれか すわってる?)Is someone sitting here? よくここに来るの? (よく ここに くるの?)Do you come here often? 前に会ったことあったっけ? (まえに あったこと あったっけ?)Have I seen you here before? At a Bar or Club 乾杯!!(かんぱい)Cheers! 一杯おごらせてください。 (いっぱい おごらせてください。)Allow me to buy you a drink. 一杯おごりますよ。 (いっぱい おごりますよ。)Can I buy you a drink? 踊りましょう。(おどりましょう。)Let’s dance! Romance

買い物の会話 | Shopping – ESL Conversation & Questions

物の会話 – Shopping – ESL Conversation & Questions | Irasshaimase. いらっしゃいませ。Welcome. | Nanika osagashi desu ka. 何かお探しですか。 May I help you?

ホテルや旅館のチェックインの会話 英語 – Hotel Check-in Counter

ホテル チェックイン 会話 – Hotel Check-in Counter: 快適なホテルライフは、スムーズなチェックインから。にこやかな会話でスタートしたいですね。よく聞き取れない場合は、慌てず堂々と聞き返しましょう。★ どのようなご用件でしょうか?

Medical English

メディカル英会話 – Medical English – Blood Test Getting a Blood Test from a Medical Laboratory Technician View All Dialogues + Blood test related conversations and situations. MLT = Medical Laboratory Technician cannula = a thin tube inserted into a vein or body cavity to administer medication, drain off fluid, or insert a surgical instrument. 1. Conversation At A Blood Lab At the blood test lab: Patient採血のためにこの検査室に来たのですが。I came to this lab to have my blood drawn. MLTここで良いですよ。左袖を上げて座ってください。You are in the right place. Roll up your left sleeve and have a seat. Patient何の検査なのですか?What am I being tested for? MLT医師はあなたの白血球の数値を知りたいのですよ。Your doctor wants to know what your white blood cell count is. Patient白血球の数値で彼は何が分かるのですか?What does my white blood cell count tell him? MLT普通は白血球の数値が異常であれば、医師は感染症を疑います。Usually if your white count is off, the doctor suspects an infection. Patientどれくらい痛いの?How much will it hurt? MLTちょっとちくっとするだけですよ。駆血帯を腕に巻いて血管を見つけやすくしますから。It is only a pin prick. I have to put this tourniquet on your arm to make the vein easier to find. Patient私の血液がその採血管に入るのですか?Is that my blood going into that tube? MLT必要な分だけ採血管に取ります。お疲れさまでした。That blood that just filled the tube is all that I needed. Thanks for coming in! 2. Conversation About A Blood Test Your doctor has requested a blood test: Patient医師が血液検査が必要と言っています。My doctor says that I need a blood test. MLT私が採血しますので、座って左袖を上げてください。I can help you with that. Just have a seat and roll up your left sleeve. Patient血液で何を調べるのですか?What are you taking my blood for? MLT医師は白血球の数値を知りたいのです。Your doctor has requested a check of your white blood count. Patientどんな情報が知りたいのですか?What information does that give him? MLTもし白血球の数値が異常であれば、体のどこかに感染症の疑いがあるからです。If your white blood cell count is off, it could signal an infection somewhere in your body. Patient血液検査は痛いですか?Is a blood test painful? MLT駆血帯を腕に巻いて血管を浮き上がらせるので、ちょっとだけちくっとするだけですよ。I am putting a tourniquet on your arm to plump up the vein. It will only feel like a little pin prick. Patient痛っ!!My God, that hurts! MLT終わりましたよ。今日はお疲れさまでした。That was it! Thank you for coming in today. 3. Conversation Ouch! There we go. Patient医師にここで採血するようにと指示されました。The doctor sent me over here to have my blood drawn. MLT分かりました、おかけになって左袖を上げてください。Certainly, please have a seat and roll up your left sleeve. Patient何のための検査ですか?What is this […]

What is i-Space?

i-Space: Reaching for the Stars Reading Comprehension Worksheet Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ i-Space: Reaching for the Stars i-Space, also known as Interstellar Glory (Chinese: 星际荣耀; pinyin: xīngjì róngyào), is a private Chinese space technology company founded in October 2016. Based in Beijing, i-Space is committed to developing space technology and providing launch services. The company’s mission is to advance space exploration and make space more accessible. The Beginning Founded in 2016, i-Space quickly made a name for itself in the aerospace industry. The company’s initial focus was on developing two-stage small satellite orbital launchers using solid propellant rocket engines from China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CAST). Milestones In July 2019, i-Space achieved a significant milestone by successfully launching the Hyperbola-1 rocket and reaching low Earth orbit on its maiden flight. This accomplishment made i-Space the first private Chinese company to reach orbit. Despite setbacks with subsequent launches in 2021 and 2022, i-Space made a strong comeback with successful orbital launches in April and December 2023. Innovation and Technology i-Space is known for its innovative approach to space technology. The company develops advanced rockets, including the Hyperbola-1 and Hyperbola-2. The Hyperbola-1 is a four-stage rocket using solid fuel, while the Hyperbola-2 is a two-stage, reusable rocket powered by liquid methane and oxygen. i-Space is also working on the Hyperbola-3, a larger, partially reusable rocket designed to carry heavier payloads. Education and Community i-Space places great emphasis on education and community engagement. The company runs educational programs, offers internships and scholarships in STEM fields, and hosts events to inspire future generations of space enthusiasts. By fostering a love for space and science, i-Space aims to cultivate the next generation of aerospace leaders. An important part of this immersion experience includes lunchtime chats between 12:30 PM and 1:00 PM, where students and professionals can discuss the latest advancements in space technology and i-Space’s projects. Future Goals Looking ahead, i-Space aims to continue its advancements in rocket technology and expand its launch capabilities. […]

読書クラブ – Book Club Conversation – The Kite Runner

友達に会い読書クラブに 誘っている会話 Asking to join a friend & go somewhere. “That sounds really interesting. I’d love to come.”

空港 税関 Airport Customs、関税 Customs Duty & 入国審査 Immigration

ImmigrationとCustomsの違いは? Customs is the place where bags are checked for illegal or taxable items before travelers can enter a country. A customs duty is the tax collected on some items when they are brought into a country. Immigration is the place at an airport, seaport or international border crossing where travelers’ passports and documents are checked. customs は、旅行者が入国する前に、荷物に不法なものや課税すべきものがないか確認する場所、つまり、税関のことです。また、customs は、ある品物を国に持ち込む際に課せられる税金、つまり、関税をさすこともあります。 immigration とは、空港や港、その他の国境地点で、旅行者のパスポートなどの書類を確認する場所、つまり、入国審査のことです。 税関 空港 – Customs & Airport Immigration Conversation 空港税関【くうこうぜいかん】Kuukouzeikan – Airport Customs View All Dialogues + Travel – English Dialogues 空港の税関職員から聞かれる英語の質問 Questions you may be asked by a Customs Officer. 1. パスポートを見せてもらえますか?May I see your passport? 2. どこから出航しましたか?Where did you fly in from? 3. どこから(どの空港から)来ましたか?Where are you coming from? 4. 訪問の目的は何ですか?What is the purpose of your visit? 5. どのくらい滞在する予定ですか?How long do you intend to stay? 6. どこに滞在しますか?Where will you be staying? 7. 何か申告するものはありますか?Do you have anything to declare? 税関での会話 Customs Conversation 空港税関 Officerパスポートを見せてもらえますか?May I see your passport please? Youはい、どうぞ。Yes, here you are. Officerどこから出航しましたか?(どの空港から来ましたか?)Where did you fly from? You札幌からです。From Sapporo. Officer訪問の目的は何ですか?What is the purpose of your visit? You休暇です。I’m on holiday. Officerどのくらい滞在する予定ですか?How long are you planning to stay? Youちょうど二週間です。Just two weeks. Officerどこに滞在しますか?Where will you be staying? Youマリオットホテルです。At The Marriott. Officer以前ハワイに行ったことはありますか?Have you ever been to Hawaii before? Youいいえありません。No, I haven’t. Officer何か申告する事はありますか?Do you have anything to declare? Youいいえありません。No, I don’t. Officerありがとうございました。ご滞在をお楽しみ下さい。Thank you. Enjoy your stay. Youありがとうございました。Thank you. 質問Questions 1. What is the purpose of the traveler’s visit? 2. Has the traveler every been to America before? 3. What is the name of the hotel the traveler will stay at? 4. Have you ever had any trouble while you were overseas on a holiday? 5. Which country would you like to visit and why? 空港のチェックインChecking in at an airport アメリカの税関システムThe U.S. Customs System 空港税関 (ぜいかんくうこう) View All Dialogues + □ fly飛行機で旅行するWhere are you flying to today?今日は どこまで 行きますか? I’m flying to San Diego via Los Angeles.ロサンゼルス経由で サンディエゴまで 行きます * まだ搭乗する前でも 行為(飛行機で移動する事)が 確定している場合、 I’m going to fly… と同様に I’m flying to … 現在進行形を 使うことができます。(アメリカ口語) □ stopover (国際線 24時間以内の)乗継ぎ時間、短期滞在I have a stopover in Los Angeles. Do I need to pick up my checked bag there?ロサンゼルスで 乗り継ぎの待ち合わせ時間 があります。 荷物をそこで 受け取る必要がありますか? check my bag (カウンターで)荷物を預ける ⇔ claim my bag (目的地で)荷物を引き取る stopover: a brief period of time […]