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 Category: Recipe

Zucchini (Courgette) – Healthy Snacks

How to prepare and cook the zucchini Cut a zucchini into 5mm thick circles. Put the cut zucchini into a bowl, with just enough water to cover the pieces. Put a microwave safe lid on the bowl. Microwave at 500W for 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Eat after it cools down a bit. Health benefits of zucchini (courgette) At only 17 calories per 100g, they are great to use in weight reduction and cholesterol control programs. They contain no saturated fats or cholesterol either. The peel is good source of dietary fiber which offers some protection against colon cancers and helps reduce constipation. Relatively moderate source of folates, consists of 24 mcg or 6% of RDA per 100g. Folates are important in cell division and DNA synthesis. When taken adequately before pregnancy, it can help prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. Very good source of potassium which is a heart friendly electrolyte and important intracellular electrolyte; helps reduce blood pressure and heart rates by countering effects of sodium. Fresh zucchinis are rich in vitamin A; they provide about 200 IU per 100 grams. Golden skin zucchinis are rich in flavonoid polyphenolic antioxidants such as carotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds help find and remove harmful oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the body that play a role in aging and various disease process. Fresh pods, are good source of antioxidant vitamin-C. They provide about 17.9 mcg or 30% of RDA per 100g. Good in B-complex group of vitamins like thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and potassium.

豆腐ハンバーグ レシピ

豆腐ハンバーグ ふわっとしっかり塩麹で 豆腐ハンバーグ ✿ このぷっくりかげん!!凄くないですか??塩麹って凄い❤ハマってしまいました✿つなぎ??いりません^^ひなかなかか 材料 ( 大人2人+子供2人 ) 豚ひき肉 400g 木綿豆腐 1丁(350g) 塩麹大 2(うちは塩薄めなので) コショウ 少々 たまねぎ 1個 作り方 1. 豚肉をボウルにだし塩麹をいれて混ぜておく。玉ねぎはみじん切りにしておく。 2. 豚肉が入ったボウルに豆腐をつぶしながら入れてよ~くまぜる。たまねぎ、こしょうもいれてよ~くまぜる。 3. もったりしてきたら焼くまで寝かせておく。 4. 生地を、適当な大きさに丸めて空気抜きをして真ん中をへこませて火をつけたフライパンに並べて焼いていく。 5. 焼き色がついたらひっくり返して焼き色を付ける。蓋をして蒸し焼きにしていく。 6. 焼いてるうちに、どんどん、ぷっくりしてきますよ~!肉汁が透明なら出来上がり。 7. 今回はさっぱりとポン酢と大根おろしでいただきました。いつもの豆腐ハンバーグよりボリュームがでて、しっかりしてました。 8. お好みのソースでどうぞ✿ Homemade Tofu Hamburg Recipe Ingredients (2 adults + 2 children) 400g ground pork 1 pack of tofu (350g) 2 tablespoons salted / malted rice (we don’t use much salt) A pinch of pepper 1 onion Method View Homepage

Beef Stir-Fry Recipe

Beef Stir-Fry tips: Thinly Slice your beefCut steak against the grainSear over high heat (sealing in the juices)Don’t crowd the pan which cools the pan quickly and results in chewy beef Ingredients • 250g dried medium egg noodles• vegetable oil• 350g steak, thinly sliced• 2 garlic cloves, peeled & finely sliced• a thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger, peeled & finely sliced• 1–2 large fresh red chillies, finely sliced• 200g peanut shoots or bean sprouts• soy sauce• sesame oil• juice of ½ a lime• 1 large red pepper, deseeded & finely sliced• a handful of snow peas, finely sliced• a handful of baby corn, quartered lengthwise• 6 spring onions, trimmed & finely sliced• a bunch of fresh coriander, leaves picked & roughly chopped• cos lettuce leaves, to serve Method Cook the egg noodles in boiling salted water until just tender. Drain, place in a bowl and set aside. Heat a large wok or a heavy-based frying pan until very hot. Add a splash of vegetable oil, then stir-fry the beef slices with the sliced garlic, ginger and chillies until just cooked. Add the shoots or bean sprouts, a good splash of soy sauce and sesame oil and the lime juice for the last 30 seconds of cooking. Tip the contents of the wok into a large bowl, including all the lovely juices. Put the wok back on the heat, add a splash more vegetable oil and all the vegetables. Stir-fry for 1 to 2 minutes, then add the cooked noodles and toss well over the heat. Divide the fried vegetables and noodles between 4 plates. Return the beef and juices to the wok and stir-fry until heated through. Add the coriander and toss until well mixed with the beef. Arrange on top of the noodles and garnish with a cos lettuce leaf. Chef Ramsay How to Stir Fry Beef

Bat Cupcake From Woman’s Day With Blue Frosting & Sprinkles

Bat Cupcake From Woman’s Day Plain cupcakes take flight once decorated with blue frosting and sprinkles, dark chocolate wings and sugar-spun eyes and fangs. Recipe courtesy of Mark Ferri Serves: 12 Total Time: 1 hr Prep Time: 1 hr Ingredients 12  baked and cooled cupcakes 1 can(s) (16 oz) vanilla frosting Wilton royal blue icing color Blue Jimmies (sprinkles) Wilton jumbo confetti and Halloween confetti sprinkles 1  tube black decorating frosting White fondant Wilton dark chocolate candy melts Directions Tint the frosting of the bat cupcakes with blue icing color. Then spread the cupcakes with the frosting and sprinkle with blue Jimmies (blue sprinkles). Use jumbo confetti and Halloween confetti sprinkles for eyes if available. Attaching them with a small amount of frosting. Pipe on black frosting for the mouth. Pinch fondant with fingers and cut it into 24 triangles for fangs. Line a baking sheet with wax paper. Melt some candy melts as package directs and transfer to a ziptop bag with a small hole snipped in one corner. Pipe 24 (4×2-in.) wings and 24 (1/2-in.) eyebrow shapes onto a prepared pan. Refrigerate them for 10 minutes. Pipe the candy melt lines onto wings; refrigerate. Peel the wings and eyebrows off wax paper. Insert the wings and eyebrows into cupcakes as liked. Add the fondant fangs. Eat the delicious bat cupcakes ;)


鱸と無花果 鱸(スズキ)のお刺身と熟れた無花果をサラダに。 ワインにも合うと思われます。 塩とバルサミコ酢だけで手軽でちょっとゴージャスなひと品に。   Pinguino 材料 ( 2人分 ) 熟れた無花果 2個鱸のお刺身(白身魚のお魚だったら何でも) 薄切りで10枚ほど天然塩 適宜バルサミコ酢 ひとたらし 1 無花果はよく熟れたものを選び冷蔵庫で冷やしておきます。皮をむいて食べやすい大きさに切っておきます。 2 鱸のお刺身に軽く塩をパラパラとふり、器に盛り付けた無花果の上に鱸を乗せます。 3 バルサミコ酢をほんの少しだけ振り掛けて出来上がり!良く冷えたワインやスパークリングワインとどうぞ コツ・ポイント 器は GLASS FISH ) の大場匠さんの作品。 http://www.glassfish2001.com 鱸と無花果 Perch (Suzuki) sashimi and fig fruit salad. It goes well with wine. The salt and balsamic vinegar alone make it a gorgeous but easy to make meal. Ingredients (2 people) 2 ripe figsAbout 10 slices of Perch sashimi (or other white fish)Natural salt for taste1 tablespoon of Balsamic vinegar Method Choose well ripened figs and cool them in the refrigerator.Peel the skin and cut them into bit size pieces.Lightly rub salt on the sashimi, and put the sashimi on top of the the ripe pieces of fig on the plate you will server the food on.Sprinkle only a little balsamic vinegar on top.Serve with a cold wine or sparkling wine. View Homepage 鱸と無花果 鱸(スズキ)のお刺身と熟れた無花果をサラダに。 ワインにも合うと思われます。 塩とバルサミコ酢だけで手軽でちょっとゴージャスなひと品に。  Pinguino 材料 ( 2人分 ) 熟れた無花果 2個 鱸のお刺身(白身魚のお魚だったら何でも) 薄切りで10枚ほど 天然塩 適宜 バルサミコ酢 ひとたらし 1 無花果はよく熟れたものを選び冷蔵庫で冷やしておきます。皮をむいて食べやすい大きさに切っておきます。 2 鱸のお刺身に軽く塩をパラパラとふり、器に盛り付けた無花果の上に鱸を乗せます。 3 バルサミコ酢をほんの少しだけ振り掛けて出来上がり!良く冷えたワインやスパークリングワインとどうぞ コツ・ポイント 器はGLASS FISH(http://cat.zero.ad.jp/~zat76700/)の大場匠さんの作品。http://www.glassfish2001.com 鱸と無花果 Perch (Suzuki) sashimi and fig fruit salad. It goes well with wine. The salt and balsamic vinegar alone make it a gorgeous but easy to make meal. Ingredients (2 people) 2 ripe figsAbout 10 slices of Perch sashimi (or other white fish)Natural salt for taste1 tablespoon of Balsamic vinegar Method Choose well ripened figs and cool them in the refrigerator.Peel the skin and cut them into bit size pieces. Lightly rub salt on the sashimi, and put the sashimi on top of the the ripe pieces of fig on the plate you will server the food on. Sprinkle only a little balsamic vinegar on top.Serve with a cold wine or sparkling wine. View Homepage