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Word Lists | 単語練習帳 | Studying English or Japanese

Word Lists > General Word Lists

Word Lists | 単語練習帳

Word Lists > Studying > Vocabulary

General Word Lists


話した(talked)、食べた(ate)、飲んだ(drank) 等
英語では、主語の次の動詞の末尾にed (d, ied,(動詞の末尾のアルファベット)ed) をつける。動詞によっては不規則に変化するものもある。
“I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast yesterday. “

“Have you been here before?” 食べたことがある(eaten)、飲んだことがある(drunk) 等
These are great for “Have you ~?” questions.

Junior High School

Senior High School


Testing (TOEIC)

Business English words for people that want to pass the TOEIC test. Please search through the list for new words and then try to use them in example sentences and/or questions.

Advanced Level

You might not see these words every day or have even heard of most of them. It’s a collection of words that pop up in articles or in stories I have been reading mainly on the web.

Kanji List

These kanji lists have English and can be used for a quick vocabulary check.

English By Level

These words lists are samples of what students use at home for writing practice. The sentences get a quick check at the beginning of lessons.

英単語を学習 Study English Words (Vocabulary List – Level 1 to 10)

Study Software

Word Lists | 単語練習帳 | Video for Studying English or Japanese

Video: How Bill Gates remembers what he reads (QUARTZ)

How to Remember More of What You Read

Word Lists | 単語練習帳

Word Lists | 単語練習帳


Glen is a really nice teacher. You should try his lessons. He helped me learn a lot and is good at explaining the differences between words.
