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【間違いやすい英文法】THE, A, AN… 正しい冠詞の使い方


【間違いやすい英文法】THE, A, AN… 正しい冠詞の使い方



冠詞とは何かということをご説明しましょう。英語には、“the” “a” “an” の3種類の冠詞があります。これらの冠詞は名詞の前に使われます。

【a/an】Indefinite Article

これらの冠詞は、具体的にどの名詞の話をしているのか特定できないので、不定冠詞と呼ばれています。例えば、“a vegetable”と言えば、どの野菜でもよいわけですし、特定のリンゴを選ばずに “an apple” を食べたいと言うこともできます。どちらの冠詞を使うのかを知る方法ですが、名詞が母音(”a”, “e”, “i” ,”o” or “u”の文字)で始まっていたら“an”を使いますし、子音で始まっている場合には“a”を使います。

母音の前に“an”、子音の前に“a”を使うという規則には、実はいくつかの例外があります。 “u”で始まる名詞でありながら“you”の発音をする場合には“a”を使います。 “I went to a university.” の例がそうです。そして、名詞が無音の“h”で始まるときには“an”を使います。“We have an hour before the movie starts.”の例がそうです。

The following word starts with a spoken consonant

a, e, i, o, or u

a lesson
a teacher
a girl

a unit
unit = yu + ni + t

The following word starts with a spoken vowel

an apple
an online lesson
an American woman

Before Time & Measurements (per week/weekly)

  • I have online lessons 5 times a week.
  • I go to Australia three times a year.
  • Her motorbike can do 250 kilometres an hour.
  • Apples are $4 to $5 a kilo.
    りんご 1kgは4.00ドル ~ 5.00ドルです。

Before Jobs

  • My father is a consultant.

With Noun Complements

  • He is a nice guy.

Before Nationalities

  • Scarlett Johansson is an American.

Half & Quite

  • We need half a kilo of flour.
  • This is quite a restaurant.

【the】Definite Article

これは定冠詞です。この冠詞を使うのは、ある特定のなにかについて話をするときです。例えば “I bought the vegetables” といえば、私が買った特定の野菜の話をしていることになります。


[ðə] “thuh,” rhymes with “duh”
The following word starts with a spoken consonant
the girl
the homework
the school
[ði:] (“thee,” rhymes with “free”)
The following word starts with a spoken vowel
the English girl
the orange marker
the old book

Times You don’t Need an Article

• Ariana Grande、 Dwayne Johnson や Will Smith など固有名詞の前。
• France, China や Spain などの国名の前。
• baseball、soccer、 cricket や basketball などのスポーツ名の前。
• Spanish、Hindi や English などの言語名の前。
• Economics、Law や Medicine などの科目名の前。


• the Pacific Ocean、the Philippine Sea や the Volga Riverなどの海や川の名前の前。
• the Amazon、the Antarctic Desert や the Gulf of Mexico などの砂漠、湾、森や半島の名前の前。
• a software developer、a dentist や an orthodontist などの職業の名前の前。

これで、 theとaとanの違いはばっちりでしょうか?冠詞を間違えるとネイティブスピーカーには不自然に聞こえてしまうので、ぜひ意識して使ってみてくださいね。


「Have a nice day.」
訳語: 良い日を

「I bought a lot.」
訳語: たくさん買った


  1. The following nouns are uncountable in English but not in many other languages:
    bread, news, information, furniture, work, research and spaghetti.
    Don’t use a with these nouns. Use some and do not make these nouns plural.

Please buy a furniture.

❌ Please buy furnitures.

✅ Please buy some furniture.

We don’t use the for most countries names but we use the with countries that have words such as states, kingdom or republic in them.

❌ I’m from United States.

✅ I’m from the United States.

Don’t use the with languages.

The Japanese isn’t an easy language to learn.

✅ Japanese isn’t an easy language to learn.



___ flour


___ rice


___ idea


___ chicken


___ rain

Grammar Quiz 2

1. We bought some cheese and ham. _____ cheese was delicious.

2. It’s _____ interesting book.

3. There was _____ document on the table.

4. Diane Vizthum, M.S., R.D., research nutritionist for Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine say that _____ coffee can be good for your health.

5. I don’t have _____ car but I want one.

6. Can you pass me _____ seaweed flakes?

7. _____ president visited Hokkaido.

8. My step-mother was _____ police officer.

9. Almost everybody knows that _____ cats are very independent animals.

10. They picked me up at _____ airport.

11. Do you want _____ bottle of milk?

12. _____ potentially effective treatment for atopic dermatitis is _____ honey.

不可算名詞(Uncountable Nouns)

不可算名詞(Uncountable Nouns) a bottle of milk, a glass of water, a jug of water, a cup of tea, a packet of tea, a jar of honey, a loaf of bread, a slice of bread, a carton of milk, a can of Coke, a bottle of Coke, a bowl of sugar, a kilo of meat, a bar of soap, a bar of chocolate, a piece of chocolate, a piece of cheese, a piece of furniture



I was accepted into an overseas medical student program in the USA!! I owe my success to Glen. Thank you very much!
