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Map of Japan + Online Quiz: Where is ○○? Prefectures

Prefectures (provinces) of Japan The words “ken”, “-to”, “–do”, “–fu” get removed from the end of each prefecture’s name when being translated in English. Except for Hokkaido.e.g Saitama-ken = Saaitama prefecture, Tokyo-to = Tokyo prefecture, Kyoto-fu = Kyoto Prefecture One thing to be aware of is that some cities* (*-shi in Japanese) are the same as its prefecture. For example, Saitama-shi (city) in Saitama-ken (prefecture). Depicted on the map are Japan’s main islands, from north to south: Hokkaido (北海道), Honshu (本州), Shikoku (四国), and Kyushu (九州). Geology Tectonic plates When you look at a map of Japan, you can see the Japanese archipelago is the result of subducting tectonic plates over several 100 millions of years from the mid-Silurian (443.8 Mya) to the Pleistocene (11,700 years ago). Approximately 15,000 km (9,300 mi) of oceanic floor has passed under the Japanese archipelago in the last 450 million years, with most being fully subducted. It is considered a mature island arc. Tectonic plate movements created the Japanese islands The Pacific Plate and Philippine Sea Plate are subduction plates. They are deeper than the Eurasian plate. The Philippine Sea Plate moves beneath the continental Amurian Plate and Okinawa Plate to the south. The Pacific Plate moves under the Okhotsk Plate to the north. These subduction plates have pulled Japan eastward and opened the Sea of Japan by back-arc spreading around 15 million years ago. The Strait of Tartary and the Korea Strait opened much later. La Pérouse Strait formed about 60,000 to 11,000 years ago closing the path used by mammoths which had earlier moved to northern Hokkaido. The subduction zone The subduction zone is where the oceanic crust slides beneath the continental crust or other oceanic plates. This is because the oceanic plate’s litosphere has a higher density. Subduction zones are sites that usually have a high rate of volcanism and earthquakes. Additionally, subduction zones develop belts of deformation The subduction zones on the east side of the Japanese archipelago cause frequent low intensity earth tremors. Major earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis occur several times per century. It is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Northeastern Japan, north of Tanakura Shear […]

Prefectures: What Prefecture In Japan Is It? Mini Test

47 Prefectures ① Japan is divided into 47 prefectures (都道府県, todōfuken, [todoːɸɯ̥ꜜkeɴ]), which rank immediately below the national government and form the country’s first level of jurisdiction and administrative division. They include 43 prefectures proper (県, ken), two urban prefectures (府, fu: Osaka and Kyoto), one “circuit” or “territory” (道, dō: Hokkai-dō) and one metropolis (都, to: Tokyo). ② In 1868, the Meiji Fuhanken sanchisei administration created the first prefectures (urban fu and rural ken). They were to replace the urban and rural administrators (bugyō, daikan, etc.) in the parts of the country. They were previously controlled directly by the shogunate and a few territories of rebels/shogunate loyalists who had not submitted to the new government such as Aizu/Wakamatsu. Then in 1871, all remaining feudal domains (han) became prefectures, so that prefectures subdivided the whole country. In several waves of territorial consolidation, we ended up with today’s 47. And in many instances, these are contiguous with the ancient ritsuryō provinces of Japan. ③ Each prefecture’s chief executive is a directly elected governor (知事, chiji). Every 4 years members get elected. Ordinances and budgets are enacted by a unicameral assembly (議会, gikai). ④ Under a set of 1888–1890 laws on local government until the 1920s, each prefecture (then only 3 -fu and 42 -ken; Hokkai-dō and Okinawa-ken were subject to different laws until the 20th century. They were subdivided into cities (市, shi) and districts (郡, gun). And each district into towns (町, chō/machi) and villages (村, son/mura). Hokkaidō has 14 subprefectures that act as General Subprefectural Bureaus (総合振興局, sōgō-shinkō-kyoku. Literally meaning “Comprehensive Promotion Bureau”) and Subprefectural Bureaus (振興局, shinkō-kyoku, literally “Promotion Bureau”) of the prefecture. Some other prefectures also have branch offices that carry out prefectural administrative functions outside the capital. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is a merged city-prefecture; a metropolis, it has features of both cities and prefectures. ⑤ Looking for interesting places to go in Hokkaido: https://hokkaido.a4jp.com

2022 Genlish.com – Find English Schools in Japan by Region

Genlish.com | Find English Schools in Japan by Region I’d like to personally thank Shunsuke Akinaga from Genglish for listing our school. Genglish has a website to find English conversation schools all around Japan organized by region. https://gensoudiary.com/ Click here for course information from our school and free study resources. Sample Paragraphs The Benefits of Learning English English is a global language, widely used for international business, diplomacy and communication. Studying English can bring numerous benefits to your life, both professionally and personally. By mastering English, you can access higher education and information in a variety of fields, from science to technology and medicine. English fluency also improves job prospects and opens up new career paths in a global market where English is a commonly used language. Cross-cultural interactions and travel also become more enjoyable experiences, as the language facilitates communication and understanding with people from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, speaking English fluently can enhance your self-confidence, self-esteem and personal and professional relationships. Whether for personal or professional development, learning English can have a profound impact on your life. Language Learning Tips To effectively communicate in English, it is important to have a well-rounded approach to language learning. This includes mastering the language, understanding cultural nuances and etiquette, and developing speaking, writing and listening skills. Improving your English communication skills can boost your confidence and open up new opportunities in education and employment. To be successful, set achievable goals. Practice consistently and immerse yourself in the language by reading, writing and speaking in English as much as possible. Seek out resources such as language exchange programs, language learning apps and courses. Also find a language partner to practice with or nice English teacher. With dedication and hard work, you can become a confident and effective English communicator, unlocking a world of opportunities.

Protected: Tour 2021-10-25 (Mon) to 27th (Wed) Abashiri

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Protected: Tour 2021-10-12 (Tue) to 14th (Thu) Asahikawa

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Protected: Tour 2021-09-17th

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Protected: Tour 2021-08-13th

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Protected: Tour Information

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Toxic Hotlinking

Toxic Hotlinking | How to Prevent Image Hotlinking You can type this: inurl:yourwebsite.com -site:yourwebsite.com into to Google Image Search to see if people are hotlinking your files. After that you can just can change file names on your server to stop people hotlinking. In my case, I would search for this: inurl:agreatdream.com -site:agreatdream.com Then from the following pages change URLs or image addresses. Hope this helps you remove toxic hotlinking from your site. Whitelisting sites to link to your content Add a code snippet to your .htaccess file Go to the main file directory of your website and open your .htaccess file. Scroll to the end of it and paste in the following code: What this code does is prevent other sites other than yours, Facebook, Twitter, and Google from accessing your images. You’ll notice that there’s an additional line with an example of another whitelisted site. If there are other places you want to allow to use your images, go ahead and add them using the same format as the first two entries. Finally, look at the last line. It indicates which file formats you’ll apply the hotlink prevention rule to. If you’d like, you can add or remove file format options. Remember to replace the URLs in the example above with your own and save the changes to your file. And that’s it – you just blocked image hotlinking from your website at server level! What Inbound Links Trigger Google Penalties?  Below, we list cases where you can get bad link penalties so you can avoid them in the future. We found the following penalty cases: Sponsored/paid links in posts, articles and blogs.Guest posting or press releases.Link networks.User spam.Web directories and listings of links.Spam.Direct ads with affiliate links.Business directories.Bookmarking sites.Widget links.Hidden links.Sitewide links. Tips to Avoid Penalties Do not promote products or services directly without using nofollow or sponsored attributes, such as rel=”sponsored”. Request “rel=sponsored” attributes when placing links to other sites.Avoid excessive keyword-rich anchors in the text (diversify keywords used so you […]

Hitachi Washing Machine: NW-7EX

NW-7EX: How to remove the impeller screw 洗濯機用パルセータ-用ネジ [PF-3150 JCF] The NW-7EX Screw The screw is right-handed, so undo it with counterclockwise rotation.You will need a PH3 screw driver head and maybe small spanner to help remove the tight screw. * This is just an image of an impeller from the same maker but not the actual impeller of the NW-7EX. The Plastic Cap Removing the plastic cap will be difficult but you will need a flat head screw driver to pop it out. Hitachi’s Website

Installing Adobe CS6 (Creative Suite) in the wrong language

Installing Adobe CS6 (Creative Suite) in the wrong language Did you just get a copy of Adobe CS6 (Creative Suite) only to find out it installs in the wrong language? If you did, like I did, then maybe these steps below will help you get it installing in the correct language. This should also work if you downloaded the trial of Adobe CS6, and it isn’t installing in English or your main language either. The reason for this problem is usually the region and language settings. Installing Adobe CS6 Creative Suite Here are the steps for installing and hopefully fixing the Adobe CS6 Creative Suite when it is coming up with the wrong language: 1. Open the Control Panel 2. Open Region and Language settings 3. On the Formats tab change the format to English (or your native language) Format: English (United States) 4. Try installing or reinstalling again. Feel free to email me through the contact page if you find a better way of fixing this problem. Any support or help on fixing problems like this is greatly appreciated. As a teacher and designer, I’m quite happy with the CS6 Master Collection. One day, I would like to upgrade to the new Creative Cloud version but Adobe still hasn’t fixed the line drawing problems in the software. Also after 3 years of going through support through different versions of the software, I kind of gave up on wasting my time talking to Adobe. Consumer Affairs give them a bit of a whipping for breaking the law though lol. It’s a pity they used so much money on lawyers to avoid fixing bugs instead of paying a few programmers to do the actual work that needed to be done. Companies like Adobe should employ more people and help communities flourish in my opinion. There are quite a few new companies offering amazing programs out there for free these days. And I like to get involved in groups that help others. It’s nice […]


豊水すすきの Here are some photographs I have taken is the Susukino and Housui Susukino area. すすきの と 豊水すすきの の 写真 豊水すすきの駅(ほうすいすすきのえき)は、札幌市中央区南6条西2丁目にある、札幌市営地下鉄東豊線の駅である。駅番号はH09。 Housui Susukino’s subway station number is H09.


教科書 | Textbooks Keypals, World Wide, Open House, Get Real, Side by Side, English Land, Let’s Go… Depending on the type of lesson we can help choose a book for you if you want one. It’s only about a two to three minute walk to Kinokuniya from our school.

2 Different Galleries on a WordPress Page (Shortcode)

2 Different Galleries on a WordPress Page 2 different galleries on a WordPress page If you want to have 2, 3, 4 or even more galleries on a WordPress page you can. Just add short-code like the bold samples shown below. Inside the square brackets [] write something like gallery include=”a,b,c,d” then in the next gallery gallery include=”e,f,g,h,i,j,k”  A-E Gallery  F-J Gallery  K-O Gallery P-T Gallery U-Z Gallery Why We Love Fire By Natalie Wolchover and edited by Glen Charles Rowell As America’s $2 billion candle industry attests, there is something mesmerizing about a flickering flame. Most people love to feel fire’s warmth, to test its limits, and to watch the way it consumes fuel. When there’s a candle or bonfire around, why can’t we help staring? A dancing fire is pretty, as well as tantalizingly dangerous. But there may be a much deeper reason for our attraction to it. Daniel Fessler, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, has conducted research that indicates an adult’s fascination with fire is a direct consequence of not having mastered it as a child. Fire has been crucial to human survival for around one million years, and in that time, Fessler argues, humans have evolved psychological mechanisms specifically dedicated to controlling it. But because most Westerners no longer learn how to start, maintain and use fire during childhood, we instead wind up with a curious attraction to it — a burning desire left to languish. Preliminary Findings “My preliminary findings indicate that humans are not universally fascinated by fire,” Fessler told Life’s Little Mysteries. “On the contrary, this fascination is a consequence of inadequate experience with fire during development.” In societies where fire is traditionally used daily as a tool, Fessler has found that children were only interested by fire until they attain mastery of it. After that point — usually at age 7 — people display little interest in fire and merely use it as one would use any ordinary tool. “Hence, the modern Western […]