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 Category: Study

Using “Get to” and “Got to”

Using “Get to” and “Got to” Part 1: “How do you get to _?” Complete the sentences with the appropriate place. Then, answer the question with full sentences using “get to.” How do you get to school? Example Answer: I get to school by bus. How do you get to your best friend’s house? How do you get to the nearest train station? How do you get to the supermarket? How do you get to the park? Part 2: “Got to” (Past Tense)Change the sentences to the past tense using “got to.” Answer the questions in full sentences. How did you get to school yesterday? Example Answer: I got to school by walking. How did you get to your friend’s house last weekend? How did you get to work on Monday? How did you get to the airport last summer? Part 3: Make Your Own QuestionsWrite 3 questions using “How do you get to…?” Ask about places you frequently go to. Then answer them. How do you get to __? How do you get to __? How do you get to __? Part 4: Writing PracticeWrite a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) about a trip you took recently. Use “got to” to describe how you reached different places.

Email Writing Advice – Version 1

Mastering the Art of Email: A Guide to Clear and Compelling Communication Crafting the perfect email is like writing a letter to the world—your message can be a simple knock on the door or an eloquent invitation to step inside. Whether you’re just entering the workforce or you’re a seasoned leader, the skill of writing impactful emails is one of the most essential tools you’ll use in your professional life. Emails hold power—the power to motivate, clarify, and connect, or, when done poorly, the power to confuse, frustrate, or even be ignored. But worry not! With a few key strategies, you can turn your emails into clear, actionable, and engaging communication. So, how do you ensure that your emails don’t just blend into the noise but instead leave an impression? Let’s walk through the steps of mastering this essential skill. The Building Blocks of a Brilliant Email Every email you send, whether to a colleague or a new contact, follows a basic structure. However, it’s in how you execute each part that will set you apart from the rest. From the subject line to the final sign-off, each component plays a role. 1. The Subject Line: Your First (and Only) Chance to Be Seen Imagine yourself standing at a busy intersection, waving to someone across the street—if your wave is too subtle or generic, you might never be noticed. The subject line of your email works the same way. A vague or poorly worded subject may land your email in the spam folder, or worse, be ignored altogether. Your subject line should offer clarity and intrigue. It’s not just a title; it’s a promise of value to the reader. Think of it like the opening line of a great novel—draw them in, but give them a reason to stay. Pro tip: Spend as much time on your subject line as you do on the body. It’s that important. 2. The Opener: First Impressions Matter In the digital world, politeness hasn’t […]

Spicy Food & Conjunctions

Carly used to love eating spicy food. It makes her sweat and causes a lot of stomach pain no though. Bryan really likes the taste of spicy food.

付加疑問文 | Tag Questions + Dialogue

付加疑問文 Tag Questions + Dialogue Listen for the tag questions. View All Dialogues + Mari: You know what’s the worst? Alison: What? Mari: When you have to go to the bathroom so badly, and you just cannot find a public restroom. Alison: It’s so true, and there aren’t very many alternatives. Mari: No. And I feel like we’re so lucky in the US because we have a lot of public restrooms. If you’ve traveled extensively, you don’t always get to places that have them. Alison: Exactly. Mari: And then you realize… Pretty lucky. Now, the flip side of that is that they are not always the cleanest places, are they? Alison: I know! I always worry about my hygiene when I go in. I was in a public restroom the other day, and there were no soap dispensers and no paper towels. Mari: I understand. And sometimes, there’s a lack of privacy, like there’s not really doors, and the door doesn’t lock. But you know, when it’s an emergency, they’re your best resource. Alison: I am glad we have options. Discussion Mari and Jessica agree that public bathrooms have advantages and disadvantages. They are not usually clean places, and Jessica worries about her hygiene whenever she uses a public restroom. Also, because they are public, these bathrooms are often missing necessary supplies, like soap and paper towels. And they don’t always give people enough privacy.However, Mari and Jessica also think that, in an emergency situation, a public bathroom is a wonderful resource. Not every country has restrooms for people to use when they are traveling around town. Marni thinks people in the US should feel lucky because they have the option to use public restrooms, and Jessica agrees with her.Do you have many public bathrooms in your country? Are these bathrooms clean or dirty? Grammar Point Tag Questions 付加疑問文 Marni and Alison are talking about public bathrooms. Mari says, “Now, the flipside of that is that they are not always the cleanest places, are they?” She uses a tag question.Tag questions are two word tags added to the end of a statement to […]

#/trackback – The Art of Website Trackback Etiquette

The Art of Website Trackback Etiquette Trackback Etiquette: Using trackbacking as a traffic building tool is a fine art. Many bloggers make the mistake of going trackback crazy before their blog has enough or even any content. This may bring new readers in but they will not stay long or bookmark your site as you don’t give them a reason to. It is also important to know your place in the blog hierarchy. The really popular bloggers are trackbacked constantly so you will not likely get their attention by trackbacking because you will be one of many. You need to carefully pick and choose who you trackback and when you trackback if you want to use it for building your blog traffic. Trackback spam is also a big problem nowadays, so when you receive a trackback to your blog, make sure you check to see the blog that initiated it, it could be a spam blog. You will know this because the blog doesn’t have any original content, it just republishes the content of other blogs. I suggest you delete any trackback spam and only let the real trackbacks from real blogs go through live on to your blog or website. Try some trackbacks today and see if it will open doors to new relationships with other bloggers. Here’s to your blogging success, Yaro Starak from Entrepreneurs-Journey Edited by Glen Rowell

How to Study in Six Simple Steps

How to Study in Six Simple Steps Space (1) How to Study: It is easier to study when you are in a comfortable space. Make room, mentally and physically, for studying. Take a deep breath and pause for a moment before you start. Remember the types of things that make you comfortable. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions. Place (2) Personalize your workspace. Surround yourself with items that inspire and motivate you. This could include quotes, posters or images that help you remember things. Arrange your desk and study materials in a way that makes it easy to study. Use organizers, shelves and containers to keep everything tidy but accessible. Also remove all the things you don’t need on your desk. Lots of people just pile up stuff and move it to the side but this makes it difficult to study at times. Pace (3) Notice the way you like to work, and adjust your pace accordingly. If you work slowly just allow more time to study. A 10-minute break for 30 minutes study works for a lot of people. Also don’t forget to check how much you actually remembering after studying for about 30 minutes. It’s easy to study for hours but not remember what you have been studying. Memory (4) Our brains are wired to remember the first and last things best. So use this to your advantage by putting the most important bits of information there. Method (5) It’s always good to have a plan. However big or complex your task may look at first sight, with a feasible plan you can always find a way to manage it. When studying, break your biggest goal into smaller chunks or tasks. It’s best if each of these chunks consists of a single topic. Often, you’ll discover one or two key elements that stand out and get fixed in your mind. You can then use those as building blocks. Classic tricks used by memory […]

Study Tips + How to Excel in Studying English Effectively – Advanced Guide, Version 3

Study Tips – Below are a few ideas on studying English effectively. There are many ways to study English, but many students ask which is the most effective. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a single answer that is right for every student. However… I can certainly give advice. Here are some helpful guidelines as to how to study that should help. Warming-up to Study English Just as there are exercises to help you warm up before you play some basketball or other sport, there are exercises which can help you warm up to study English. Here are some simple exercises to help you warm up. How to Study EffectivelyStudy Tips 1: Activate Your Vocabulary Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to work on. For example, if you are going to study English on topics that focuses on vacations, take a moment to think about your last vacation, what you did, what you enjoyed, etc. This simple exercise will help your brain warm-up to vocabulary that you are likely to encounter as you study English about this particular subject. 2: Activate Your Grammar Activate your grammar by thinking about the general grammar area before you begin to study. For example, if you are going to study English grammar focusing on the past, stop to think about what you did last weekend, where you went, etc. to help activate what you already understand about using the past. As with activating vocabulary, you’ll help your brain bring up what it knows about the past simple in an easy way before you begin to focus on studying English grammar in detail. 3: Sing a Song Before class begins, or before you sit down to study English sing a song in English to yourself. Make sure to use a song that you understand and know very well. This short and fun exercise will help your brain focus on the English language in a relaxing manner. It’s important […]

Emulate – Vocabulary

Emulate: To strive to equal or excel, especially through imitation Emulate – Vocabulary ˈɛmjʊleɪt/ verb: emulate; 3rd person present: emulates; past tense: emulated; past participle: emulated; gerund or present participle: emulating Match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation. “most rulers wished to emulate Alexander the Great” Synonyms imitate, copy, reproduce, mimic, mirror, echo, follow, model oneself on, take as a model, take as an example; imitate. “hers is not a hairstyle I wish to emulate” Computing reproduce the function or action of (a different computer, software system, etc.). “The adaptor is factory set to emulate an NVidia graphics board.” Other Examples Charleston wants to emulate Manhattan’s selfie-ready linear park but avoid the displacement it wrought. Is that possible? Published in 1991, it’s not the oldest emulation that’s on offer but it’s probably the best for feeling like you’re using a full computer setup. The Philadelphia 76ers should be looking to emulate the San Antonio Spurs and their success statistically in almost every season. Gandhi Sangrahalay director Razi Ahmad on Thursday called upon the students to emulate the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi Origin late 16th century: from Latin aemulat- ‘rivalled, equalled’, from the verb aemulari, from aemulus ‘rival’. Japanese 1. 倣う (narau): imitate 2. 競う (kisou): to compete with 3. 傚う (narau): imitate; follow 4. エミュレート (emyure-to) View Other Word Lists

Verbs: What are Verbs?

Verbs describe the way someone or something does something. They describe an action, like the words eat, sleep, love, and study. They are actions, words that involve motion or physical activity. Example List(動詞リスト) Verbs beginning with the letter A acceptaddadmireadmitadviseaffordagreealertallowamuseanalyseannounceannoyanswerapologiseappearapplaudappreciateapprovearguearrangearrestarriveaskattachattackattemptattendattractavoid Beginning with the letter B backbakebalancebanbangbarebatbathebattlebeambegbehavebelongbleachblessblindblinkblotblushboastboilboltbombbookboreborrowbouncebowboxbrakebranchbreathebruisebrushbubblebumpburnburybuzz Verbs beginning  with the letter C calculatecallcampcarecarrycarvecausechallengechangechargechasecheatcheckcheerchewchokechopclaimclapcleanclearclipclosecoachcoilcollectcolourcombcommandcommunicatecomparecompetecomplaincompleteconcentrateconcernconfessconfuseconnectconsiderconsistcontaincontinuecopycorrectcoughcountcovercrackcrashcrawlcrosscrushcrycurecurlcurvecycle Verbs beginning with the letter D damdamagedancedaredecaydeceivedecidedecoratedelaydelightdeliverdependdescribedesertdeservedestroydetectdevelopdisagreedisappeardisapprovedisarmdiscoverdislikedividedoubledoubtdragdraindreamdressdripdropdrowndrumdrydust Beginning with the letter E earneducateembarrassemployemptyencourageendenjoyenterentertainescapeexamineexciteexcuseexerciseexistexpandexpectexplainexplodeextend Verbs beginning with the letter F facefadefailfancyfastenfaxfearfencefetchfilefillfilmfirefitfixflapflashfloatfloodflowflowerfoldfollowfoolforceformfoundframefrightenfry Verbs beginning with the letter G gathergazeglowgluegrabgrategreasegreetgringripgroanguaranteeguardguessguide Beginning with the letter H hammerhandhandlehanghappenharassharmhatehauntheadhealheapheathelphookhophopehoverhughumhunthurry Verbs beginning with the letter I identifyignoreimagineimpressimproveincludeincreaseinfluenceinforminjectinjureinstructintendinterestinterfereinterruptintroduceinventinviteirritateitch Verbs beginning with the letter J jailjamjogjoinjokejudgejugglejump Verbs beginning with the letter K kickkillkisskneelknitknockknot Beginning with the letter L labellandlastlaughlaunchlearnlevellicenselicklielightenlikelistlistenliveloadlocklonglooklove Verbs beginning with the letter M manmanagemarchmarkmarrymatchmatemattermeasuremeddlemeltmemorisemendmess upmilkminemissmixmoanmoormournmovemuddlemugmultiplymurder Verbs beginning with the letter N nailnameneednestnodnotenoticenumber Verbs beginning with the letter O obeyobjectobserveobtainoccuroffendofferopenorderoverflowoweown Beginning with the letter P packpaddlepaintparkpartpasspastepatpausepeckpedalpeelpeepperformpermitphonepickpinchpineplaceplanplantplaypleaseplugpointpokepolishpoppossesspostpourpractisepraypreachprecedepreferpreparepresentpreservepresspretendpreventprickprintproduceprogrampromiseprotectprovidepullpumppunchpuncturepunishpush Verbs beginning with the letter Q questionqueue   Verbs beginning with the letter R raceradiaterainraisereachrealisereceiverecogniserecordreducereflectrefuseregretreignrejectrejoicerelaxreleaserelyremainrememberremindremoverepairrepeatreplacereplyreportreproducerequestrescueretirereturnrhymerinseriskrobrockrollrotrubruinrulerush Verbs beginning with the letter S sacksailsatisfysavesawscarescatterscoldscorchscrapescratchscreamscrewscribblescrubsealsearchseparateservesettleshadeshareshavesheltershivershockshopshrugsighsignsignalsinsipskiskipslapslipslowsmashsmellsmilesmokesnatchsneezesniffsnoresnowsoaksoothesoundsparesparksparklespellspillspoilspotspraysproutsquashsqueaksquealsqueezestainstampstarestartstaysteerstepstirstitchstopstorestrapstrengthenstretchstripstrokestuffsubtractsucceedsucksuffersuggestsuitsupplysupportsupposesurprisesurroundsuspectsuspendswitch Beginning with the letter T talktametaptasteteasetelephonetemptterrifytestthankthawticktickletietimetiptiretouchtourtowtracetradetraintransporttraptraveltreattrembletricktriptrottroubletrusttrytugtumbleturntwisttype Verbs beginning with the letter U undressunfastenuniteunlockunpackuntidyuse Verbs beginning with the letter V vanishvisitvotevomit Verbs beginning with the letter W wailwaitwalkwanderwantwarmwarnwashwastewatchwaterwaveweighwelcomewhinewhipwhirlwhisperwhistlewinkwipewishwobblewonderworkworrywrapwreckwrestlewriggle Please wait here.Walk through the park if you want to get there quicker. Beginning with the letter X x-rayxeroxed   They had to x-ray her arm. Beginning with the letter Y yankyawnyell  You don’t need to yell that loud. Beginning with the letter Z zipzoom Grammar and Examples: • Mr. Rowell takes a lesson in the morning. What does Mr. Rowell do? He takes a lesson. The action he is doing is “taking” a lesson. So the action is denoted by the word “takes”. In that case that word “takes” is the verb. • The university hired him.Here, the word “hired” is the verb. • His boss refused to support him at critical moments.Here, the word “refused” is the verb. • The students write their papers in the Sapporo City Hall.Here, the word “write” is the verb.  The verbs can be classified in different […]