またMotivation Letterの添削もお願いしました。試験のための指導だけでなく、ビジネスに関する英語のヘルプが必要な時は、生徒の希望に対応して下さいます。

Hitomi O.

I was accepted into an overseas medical student program in the USA!!
I owe my success to Glen. Thank you very much!

海外旅行に行って英会話が出来ると旅行が楽しくなります。英語圏ばかりではないけれど、 フランス語もイタリア語も似ている単語があるし、少しでも会話ができると外国人とコミュニケーションがとれます。街の中の広告とか、お店の看板を読むことができると、街を歩く時でも迷わずに済みますし、行動範囲も広がります。

From the beginning of his time at Berlitz, Mr. Rowell proved himself to be a highly motivated teacher and a likeable member of staff.
He was very reliable, and whenever staffing or scheduling difficulties arose, he was flexible and cooperative, readily helping out by covering shifts and extra classes. Furthermore, after gaining some experience, he was happy to advise new teachers about teaching young learners.
During his time here, I found Mr. Rowell to be an instructor who was concerned about the welfare of his students. He was a hard-working teacher, with a particular passion and skill for teaching children.
He was not only a popular teacher with young learners, but was able to tame and teach some challenging groups of children we had at the time.
Kieran Culhane (B.Ed, M.Ed, M.AppLing)
Academic Director,
ELS Language Center Sapporo

His way of teaching was very impressive and enjoyable for the students.
Miho Matsui (Ph.D. – American Literature)
Associate Professor,
Sapporo City University
(Previously know as Sapporo School of the Arts, Design and Nursing School)
松井 美穂 准教授

He is reliable, hard-working and enthusiastic. Glen has done a lot more than just teaching. He has been correcting students’ homework and doing extra work without hesitation whenever asked by the school coordinators or students.
He was also involved in curriculum development and company lessons that EC conducts outside of the school campus.
I recommend him to any position that requires commitment and integrity.
Eiichi Yamaya
General Manager,
EC Inc.

I’ve been learning 20 words a day. And I can use them too. I love the vocabulary learning software Glen has made. Hope to talk to you soon, in English.
Akiko (26)

I’m hooked on learning words. The myriad of mnemonics… The plethora of sayings to express myself with in English. I don’t want to become feeble-minded. Remember, if you don’t use it, you lose it. Thank you very much Glen.
Nobutoshi (68)