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 Category: 本・Books

New English/Japanese Textbooks & Resources

Textbooks: 7 new Eiken books, one English Q&A book, and many more (^-^) These new textbooks/books will be a nice addition to the ever expanding library.  I just need to index what is in them now. It’s amazing how heavy 3 piles of books can get. I must have been lifting 30 kilos or more. Our online English study project/competition will be starting soon. Feel free to start now if you like. * Touch typing / study software * Glen Sapporo Eikaiwa AGreatDream.com Effective textbook reading Effective textbook reading is a key study skill for student success. Nearly every class makes you read them. “Makes” is the right word here. “Requires,” “forces,” or “insists” will also work. Few people read textbooks unless they have to. If you read textbooks for fun, shoot me an email. I need to interview you, because I don’t think you exist. Reading textbooks is weird. That’s right – weird. Granted, we all have to read them. But even you bookworms – the kinds of people who devour the Twilight books in one week, or Harry Potter, or the Hunger Games books – know that textbooks are a bit weird. Think about it. Textbooks are the only books you read today that have pictures on nearly every page (Dr. Seuss fans excluded). In fact, should you be forced to read a textbook without pictures, you are in real trouble. Those books get seriously tough. Nevertheless, understanding how to read a textbook is vital. The goal of a textbook is simple: inform and educate. The goal of the Harry Potter books is very different. Novels tell stories. Textbooks communicate ideas through explanations of information. Because of this, you need a different strategy for reading textbooks. Follow these four easy steps to get on your way. Textbooks 1. Don’t read front to back (aka, READ BACKWARDS) Reading a textbook chapter front to back ensures that you will waste time. I know it’s counter-intuitive to not read a book front […]