札幌 英会話 スクール AGREATDREAM 札幌駅前校


Vocabulary Level 09 | Advanced 3 | レベル9 | 上級者(上)

英単語を学習 Study English Words (Vocabulary List – Level 1 to 10)



trenchant = トレンチント

Trenchant means vigorous or incisive in expression or style. I am not particularly distressed by the state of fiction or the role of the writer. The more marginal, perhaps ultimately the more trenchant and observant and finally necessary he’ll become. Don DeLillo — ‘The American Strangeness: An Interview with Don DeLillo’ by Gerald Howard, The Hungry Mind Review, #47 , 1997

Write an example sentence, the meaning and/or an explanation in the box below the English word being studied.
Then print the list and write the same word, or anything you like, after the equals mark (=).


vocabulary Level 9


trenchant = ___________________

ephemeral = ___________________

pontificate = ___________________

Please print this English word list then write the answers.

Copyright Sapporo Eikaiwa AGreatDream.com

Vocabulary related facts:

  • Vocabulary is a strong indicator of student success (Baker, Simmons, & Kame’enui, 1997).
  • The number of words students learn varies greatly:
    2 vs. 8 words per day
    750 vs. 3,000 per year
  • Printed school English, as represented by materials in grades 3 to 9, contains 88,533 distinct word families (Nagy & Anderson, 1984).
  • 88,533 word families result in total volumes of nearly 500,000 graphically distinct word types, including proper names. Roughly half of 500,000 words occur once or less in a billion words of text (Nagy & Anderson, 1984).
  • In grades 3 through 12, an average student is likely to learn approximately 3,000 new vocabulary words each year, if he or she reads between 500,000 and a million running words of text a school year (Nagy & Anderson, 1984).
  • Between grades 1 and 3, it is expected that economically disadvantaged students’ vocabularies increase by about 3,000 words per year, while middle-class students’ vocabularies increase by about 5,000 words per year.
  • Children’s vocabulary size approximately doubles between grades 3 and 7.


自身はIELTSを受けるにあたり、個人レッスンを受けています。各レベルの試験で得点になるポイントを把握されており、充実した授業であると感じています。 またMotivation Letterの添削もお願いしました。試験のための指導だけでなく、ビジネスに関する英語のヘルプが必要な時は、生徒の希望に対応して下さいます。 アクセスが良いので、対面でできることもオススメできる理由です。初めはオンラインでの添削業者等を検討していたのですが、対面の方が自分が求めている添削をしてもらう上で効率がよいですし、理解を深められることに気がつきました。 熱心で丁寧な指導なので、満足しています。

