札幌 英会話 スクール AGREATDREAM 札幌駅前校


Vocab Level 7 | Advanced 1 | レベル7 | 上級者(下)

英単語を学習 Study English Words (Vocabulary List – Level 1 to 10)
単語の下の枠に例文・意味・説明等を入力して下さい。 最後に印刷をして=の右側に同じ単語等を書く練習をしましょう。
cat = cat cat
Write an example sentence, the meaning and/or an explanation in the box below the English word being studied. Then print the list and write the same word, or anything you like, after the equals mark (=).

レベル7 Lower Advanced

a shred of ~ = ___________________ abate = ___________________ abdicate = ___________________ abide by ~ = ___________________ abject = ___________________ ablaze = ___________________ abort = ___________________ abortion = ___________________ abound = ___________________ abrasive = ___________________ abridged = ___________________ abscond = ___________________ absolve = ___________________ abundance = ___________________ abundant = ___________________ abyss = ___________________ accelerate = ___________________ acclaim = ___________________ accommodate = ___________________ accost = ___________________ accrue = ___________________ accusation = ___________________ acquittal = ___________________ acrimonious = ___________________ acrimony = ___________________ act up = ___________________ adamant = ___________________ add up to ~ = ___________________ addictive = ___________________ address = ___________________ adept = ___________________ adequate = ___________________ adhere to ~ = ___________________ adherent = ___________________ adjacent = ___________________ adjourn = ___________________ adjournment = ___________________ adjunct = ___________________   Please print this English word list then write the answers. Copyright Sapporo Eikaiwa AGreatDream.com



I was accepted into an overseas medical student program in the USA!! I owe my success to Glen. Thank you very much!

