札幌 英会話 スクール AGREATDREAM 札幌駅前校


Welcome to your Eiken Pre 2 style test.


Ms. Kirshman was surprised at the large number of people who ___________ her lecture on gardening. There were almost no empty seats in the room.


Last Saturday, Pete and his family drove to the beach. In order to avoid the heavy ___________ on the highway, they left early in the morning.

Linda keeps ___________ information such as her e­mail and bank passwords in a small notebook. She is careful not to let anyone else see the notebook.


A: Let's have a barbecue in the park.
B: No, that would be ___________ the park's rules. We can have one in our backyard, though.

The United States of America ___________ of 50 states. The smallest state in the country is Rhode Island, and the largest is Alaska.


A: Hello, Jane. Where are you? The movie will start soon.
B: Sorry, I'll be there before ___________. Please wait for me for five more minutes.


A: Brad, what ___________ of music do you usually listen to?
B: I like hip-hop, but I also listen to jazz.


Because Willian was gaining a lot of weight, his doctor ___________ him to start exercising and to eat healthier food.


Josh and Samantha wanted to do their homework together this weekend, but they could not find a time to meet. They decided to work ___________ and check their answers before class on Monday.


James asked his father to lend him the money to go on a trip with his friends. His father said it was ___________ the question and told James to get a part-time job instead.

Michelle, Sarah, and Roger love to play music, so they have decided to ___________ a band. They will call their new band The Celery Sticks.


The teacher told the students to ___________ their chairs in a circle so that they would be able to see each other while they talked.