Welcome to your Eiken Pre 1 style test.
When Paul dropped his plate on the floor, it broke into many small ___________. He cleaned them all up carefully so that he would not stepp one and hurt his foot.
Claire's hands began to ___________ with fear moments before she played her sonata. After she played the first notes, however, she felt a lot better.
Lately, more people have been trying to reduce the amount of garbage they create by avoiding ___________ items such as paper plates, plastic knives and forks.
Despite his ___________ appearance, the teacher created a relaxed atmosphere in his classroom, and he was gentle and kind to his students.
The minister had been very popular, so his funeral ___________ stretched over several city blocks. Supporters followed the car carrying his body all the way to the church.
Jeff would love to go on vacation in Europe, but his low salary makes it ___________ impossible for him to save enough money for such a trip.
The musician started his career as a traditional bass guitarist, but his music later ___________ and developed into a unique style of blues.
The general refused to ___________ information about the military's strategy for the war to the media. He was worried that doing so might help the enemy.
Shota's boss, Jenny, was angry with him when the client canceled the contract, but his colleagues ___________ him. They told the boss it was not his fault.
The couple was awoken in the night by an ___________ who broke a window and entered their home. Whoever it was had left by the time the police arrived.
Many students complained the book was very difficult to understand in places, so the teacher tried to ___________ those sections using simpler language.
The government adopted new environmental regulations and stated that the companies that fail to ___________ will be fined.
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