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Welcome to the Eiken 2 style online test.


The picture Joanna wanted to use in her presentation was too small. She decided to ___________ it so the audience could see it.


Reika’s dream is to work for a famous French restaurant in Tokyo. She is trying to ___________ this by going to a cooking school.


Before Tom left for his vacation in Canada, he made sure that his health ___________ would cover him if he got sick overseas.


Scott has decided to ___________ in a marathon next month. He is training hard to get ready for the race.


A: Do you mind if I use this file?
B: It's fine as ___________ as I'm concerned, but you better check with the boss.


Mr. Wilson read his students' English essays and wrote comments about the
mistakes. He then returned the essays to his students and asked them to
___________ the errors for homework.


The salesman decided to increase the ___________ of his visits to his main clients. In the past, he only visited them once a month, but now he goes every week.


After high school, Ted joined the ___________ so that he could serve his country. He felt proud when he put on his army uniform for the first time.


A: Mom, give me $3 to buy a snack.
B: I'll only give you the money if you ask ___________, Bill. You could start
by saying "please."


Lisa is ___________ to become a professional pianist, so she practices for many hours every day.


Frank did not have ___________ time to write his report, so he asked his boss if he could have a few more days to finish it.


Last week, Shelly went to see a horror movie. It was about a strange ___________ that was half shark and half man.

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