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EIKEN level 1 Style Practice Test.

Paula tried to ___________ innocence when she was accused of stealing from the store. The unpaid-­for clothes in her bag, however, proved that she was lying.


After one basketball player punched a player from the other team, players from both teams rushed onto the court and started a huge ___________ that officials had trouble stopping.


A: Ms. Tanaka, do you have any suggestions for improving my vocabulary ___________?
B: I recommend you use flashcards. They can really help you remember new words.


Security guards caught a young man trying to ___________ a video camera into the venue so he could illegally film the concert.

Toby fixed the hole in the fence between his yard and that of the ___________ house so that his neighbor’s dog would not be able to get through.


Although parents must teach children the importance of honesty, schools should also do their part to ___________ students with this characteristic.


Zara demonstrated her athletic ___________ by becoming the youngest player ever to win a national tennis tournament.


The book describes some of the ___________ performed by famous mountain climbers, beginning with Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay's climb to the summit of Mount Everest.


General Anderson knew that, since the enemy army was ___________ in caves near the top of a mountain, it would be almost impossible to defeat.


A: I'd be happy to drive you to the airport tomorrow.
B: Well, if it's no ___________, I'll accept your offer. It would really help me out.


The repairperson said the roof had been ___________ damaged by the hurricane and would need to be completely replaced.


Although the sales deal seemed attractive, the CEO felt there were many points that required further ___________ before a final agreement could be reached.