札幌 英会話 スクール AGREATDREAM 札幌駅前校


Days of the Month, Cardinal Numbers, Ordinal Numbers – Grammar

Days of the Month, Cardinal Numbers, Ordinal Numbers,

Suuji: hizuke・hinichi (jyosuu), kisuu, junjosuu
Numbers: Dates/Days, Cardinals, Ordinals




on the 1st

日 / 読み方 / 表記

1日 / First / 1st

2日 / Second / 2nd

3日 / Third / 3rd

4日 / Fourth / 4th

5日 / Fifth / 5th

6日 / Sixth / 6th

7日 / Seventh / 7th

8日 / Eighth / 8th

9日 / Ninth / 9th

10日 / Tenth / 10th

11日 / Eleventh / 11th

12日 / Twelfth / 12th

13日 / Thirteenth / 13th

14日 / Fourteenth / 14th

15日 / Fifteenth / 15th

16日 / Sixteenth / 16th

17日 / Seventeenth / 17th

18日 / Eighteenth / 18th

19日 / Nineteenth / 19th

20日 / Twentieth / 20th

21日 / Twenty-first / 21st

22日 / Twenty-second / 22nd

23日 / Twenty-third / 23rd

24日 / Twenty-fourth / 24th

25日 / Twenty-fifth / 25th

26日 / Twenty-sixth / 26th

27日 / Twenty-seventh / 27th

28日 / Twenty-eighth / 28th

29日 / Twenty-ninth / 29th

30日 / Thirtieth / 30th

31日 / Thirty-first / 31st

When reading the days of the month we usually add a determiner (限定詞) like the article (冠詞) the or the name of the month.

For example:

The first.
January first.

When the ordinal number is first, it is followed by the preposition of.

For example:

The first of January.




<例文 2018年8月15日の場合は?>

on August the 15th, 2018(フォーマル)
Spelt out: on August fifteenth, two thousand eighteen
on August 15, 2018(フォーマル)
8/15/2018 (カジュアル)
8/15/18 (カジュアル)


<例文 2020年8月15日の場合は?>

on the 15th of August, 2020(フォーマル)
on the 15th August, 2020(フォーマル)
15/8/2020 (カジュアル)
15/8/20 (カジュアル)

Friday, 11 September 1992(より丁寧な表記)

Fri, 11 Sep, 1992(やや簡略な表記)

Fri, 11 September, 1992(やや簡略に書く場合)


Fri, 11th September 1992(やや簡略に書く場合)


Can I have a lesson on December 5th, (on) Wednesday, at 1 pm?

Can I have a lesson on Wednesday, ((on) December 5th), at 1 pm?

Could I have a lesson at 1 pm, on Wednesday, December 5th?

Number List

Cardinal Number, Cardinal Number (Spelling),
Ordinal Number, Ordinal Number (Spelling),
Day of the Month: Japanese (Kanji), Hiragana, Romaji

1, one,
1st, first,
一日, ついたち, tsuitachi,

2, two,
2nd, second,
二日, ふつか, futsuka,

3, three,
3rd, third,
三日, みっか, mikka,

4, four,
4th, fourth,
四日, よっか, yokka,

5, five,
5th, fifth,
五日, いつか, itsuka,

6, six,
6th, sixth,
六日, むいか, muika,

7, seven,
7th, seventh,
七日, なのか, nanoka,

8, eight,
8th, eighth,
八日, ようか, youka,

9, nine,
9th, ninth,
九日, ここのか, kokonoka,

10, ten,
10th, tenth,
十日, とおか, touka,

11, eleven,
11th, eleventh,
十一日, じゅういちにち, jyuu ichi nichi,

12, twelve,
12th, twelfth,
十二日, じゅうににち, jyuu ni nichi,

13, thirteen,
13th, thirteenth,
十三日, じゅうさんにち, jyuu san nichi,

14, fourteen,
14th, fourteenth,
十四日, じゅうよっか, jyuu yokka,

15, fifteen,
15th, fifteenth,
十五日, じゅうごにち, jyuu go nichi,

16, sixteen,
16th, sixteenth,
十六日, じゅうろくにち, jyuu roku nichi,

17, seventeen,
17th, seventeenth,
十七日, じゅうしちにち, jyuu shichi nichi,

18, eighteen,
18th, eighteenth,
十八日, じゅうはちにち, jyuu hachi nichi,

19, nineteen,
19th, nineteenth,
十九日, じゅうくにち, jyuu ku nichi,

20, twenty,
20th, twentieth,
二十日, はつか, hatsuka,

21, twenty-one,
21st, twenty-first,
二十一日, にじゅういちにち, ni jyuu ichi nichi,

22, twenty-two,
22nd, twenty-second,
二十二日, にじゅうににち, ni jyuu ni nichi,

23, twenty-three,
23rd, twenty-third,
二十三日, にじゅうさんにち, ni jyuu san nichi,

24, twenty-four,
24th, twenty-fourth,
二十四日, にじゅうよっか, ni jyuu yokka,

25, twenty-five,
25th, twenty-fifth,
二十五日, にじゅうごにち, ni jyuu go nichi,

26, twenty-six,
26th, twenty-sixth,
二十六日, にじゅうろくにち, ni jyuu roku nichi,

27, twenty-seven,
27th, twenty-seventh,
二十七日, にじゅうしちにち, ni jyuu shichi nichi,

28, twenty-eight,
28th, twenty-eighth,
二十八日, にじゅうはちにち, ni jyuu hachi nichi,

29, twenty-nine,
29th, twenty-ninth,
二十九日, にじゅうくにち, ni jyuu ku nichi,

30, thirty,
30th, thirtieth,
三十 日, さんじゅうにち, san jyuu nichi,

31, thirty-one,
31st, thirty-first,
三十一日, さんじゅういちにち, san jyuu ichi nichi,

Larger numbers

40, forty,
40th, fortieth,

50, fifty,
50th, fiftieth,

60, sixty,
60th, sixtieth,

70, seventy,
70th, seventieth,

80, eighty,
80th, eightieth,

90, ninety,
90th, ninetieth,

100, one hundred,
100th, one hundredth,
百日間, ひゃくにちかん, hyaku nichi kan, 100 days

500, five hundred,
500th, five hundredth,
五百日間, ごひゃくにちかん, go hyaku nichi kan, 500 days

1,000, one thousand,
1,000th, one thousandth,

1,500, one thousand five hundred (or fifteen hundred),
1,500th, one thousand five hundredth,

100,000, one hundred thousand,
100,000th, one hundred thousandth,

1,000,000, one million,
1,000,000th, one millionth,


in January

月 / 名称 / 略称
1月 / January / Jan.
2月 / February / Feb.
3月 / March / Mar.
4月 / April / Apr.
5月 / May / May
6月 / June / Jun.
7月 / July / Jul.
8月 / August / Aug.
9月 / September / Sep. or Sept.
10月 / October / Oct.
11月 / November / Nov.
12月 / December / Dec.

Cardinal Numbers, Ordinal Numbers, Days of the Week


Which month is best for holidays there?
September is usually the best.


Which month is your birthday in?
My birthday is in December.


When is Greenery Day in Japan?
I’m not sure exactly but it’s in April.


I’m going to stay (for) 2 days in Sapporo.

さっぽろ で ふつか かん とまります。
Sapporo de futsuka kan tomarimasu.


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the 1st

When the ordinal number is first, it is followed by the preposition of.

For example:

The first of January.

on August the 15th, 2018(フォーマル)
Spelt out: on August the fifteenth, two thousand eighteen

on August 15, 2018(フォーマル)
Spelt out: on August fifteenth, two thousand eighteen

8/15/2018 (カジュアル)
8/15/18 (カジュアル)


<例文 2020年8月15日の場合は?>

on the 15th of August, 2020(フォーマル)
on the 15th August, 2020(フォーマル)

15/8/2018 (カジュアル)
15/8/18 (カジュアル)

<例文 2020年の場合は?>

Spelt out:
in twenty twenty five
in two thousand and twenty (in two thousand twenty)


in January

How to write numbers: time, money, dates and fractions


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