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EIKEN level 1 Style Practice Test.


After one basketball player punched a player from the other team, players from both teams rushed onto the court and started a huge ___________ that officials had trouble stopping.


Zara demonstrated her athletic ___________ by becoming the youngest player ever to win a national tennis tournament.


A: Ms. Tanaka, do you have any suggestions for improving my vocabulary ___________?
B: I recommend you use flashcards. They can really help you remember new words.

Paula tried to ___________ innocence when she was accused of stealing from the store. The unpaid-­for clothes in her bag, however, proved that she was lying.

The children were so ___________ by the television show that none of them said a single word during the whole program.


During the election campaign, the press ___________ the mayor with accusations about his private life. It soon became clear he would never get reelected.


Glenda was disappointed when she found out the painting she had bought at an antique market was ___________. If it had been genuine, it would have been worth thousands of dollars.

In a recent speech, the mayor ___________ the city’s educators for failing to properly prepare students for national achievement exams.

The motorist was given a ticket for a traffic ___________. She had been caught driving 25 kilometers per hour over the speed limit.


General Anderson knew that, since the enemy army was ___________ in caves near the top of a mountain, it would be almost impossible to defeat.


DNA testing finally ___________ the man of all charges, and he was set free after having spent five years in prison.


Despite his ___________ health, Keith remained positive. He did his best not to let his illness stop him from enjoying his life.