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A: I'd be happy to drive you to the airport tomorrow.
B: Well, if it's no ___________, I'll accept your offer. It would really help me out.


Zara demonstrated her athletic ___________ by becoming the youngest player ever to win a national tennis tournament.


The book describes some of the ___________ performed by famous mountain climbers, beginning with Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay's climb to the summit of Mount Everest.


Although parents must teach children the importance of honesty, schools should also do their part to ___________ students with this characteristic.


Security guards caught a young man trying to ___________ a video camera into the venue so he could illegally film the concert.


Glenda was disappointed when she found out the painting she had bought at an antique market was ___________. If it had been genuine, it would have been worth thousands of dollars.


General Anderson knew that, since the enemy army was ___________ in caves near the top of a mountain, it would be almost impossible to defeat.


The repairperson said the roof had been ___________ damaged by the hurricane and would need to be completely replaced.


Brett was always ___________ about his appearance, so his co-workers were shocked when he showed up to work one day with messy hair and a wrinkled shirt.


When plans for a new highway were announced at the town meeting, local residents protested angrily. It was difficult to hear the chairperson because of all the ___________.


Tim's new office was so ___________ it depressed him. He decided to bring in some plants to brighten it up a bit.


During the election campaign, the press ___________ the mayor with accusations about his private life. It soon became clear he would never get reelected.