Welcome to your Database 4500 5th Edition
ビルは5年後に探偵になるでしょう。()を並び変え、文の点まで入力して下さい。(a/will/detective/Bill/be) in five years.
Would you ___________ me?
The salesman persuaded ___________ the expensive automobile.
金曜日は晴れでしょう。()を並び変え、文の点まで入力して下さい。(sunny/be/will/it) on Friday.
I'll never forget ___________ Geneva when I was a student.
I can't afford ___________ a new car.
Ken and I practice karate every Sunday. (下線部をNextに変えて予定を表す文に)
Stomach pains are sometimes ___________ by too much worry.
If I buy a second-hand computer, it will ___________ me hundreds ofdollars.
I wonder how long this fine weather will ___________.
彼らは次の冬にスキーをする予定ですか?()を並び変え、文の点まで入力して下さい。(to/they/going/ski/next/are) winter?
"Do you still plan to go to Hawaii on this winter vacation?""Yes, and I wish you'd consider ___________ with me."
Yuka will stay here next week. (疑問文に)
Time's up